Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My 4 years of Sweet Pie

21 Mar 2013

In a blink of eye, it's our 4 years again. What can I say more than I love you? 4 years ago felt that yesterday to me. I totally can't believe it! I really didn't expect that we could last this long and I really appreciate it a lot. I still can remember so clearly, that four years ago, this date, we went back home from a chalet together, and yea it was your friend's chalet. kind of awkward and still everything went well. because of those words from the chalet, you decided to ask me to be your girlfriend (through messaging, so not sweet) and yes I agree. and I have never once regret saying yes throughout this 4 years. It was a blessing to have you. We have always agree knowing each other was a fate. And time play a big role because just a few seconds different, we would not even know each other in the first place.  

I never expect to have a long relationship at this age, yes I was only 17 years old at that point of time and he was only 18 years old. still young, playful and immature I can say. I know there's a lot of people out there who have a even longer relationship at a even younger age. but for me, from my previous relationships problem and everything, I seriously doubt I deserve a good one. but I met him, and I don't know why. I always told him that he come at a wrong time because I have already given up hope. and yet he still treat me like a little princess and accept all my bad temper and attitude. that point of time, it was so hard to bring myself to treat him good and sweet. and even today, I still didn't shower him with all the love and stuff that he deserve. but I'm really so thankful he have never once given up on me :')

this 4 years, we grow up together, we pass our teenager stage, we see each other change everyday. we have the biggest fight ever, we have the best moment together, we laugh we cry we tease and make fun of each other. we shout and scream at each other, and start bursting into laughter. there's so many memorable moment and glad the bad ones didn't take over it. We once come to a stage that we almost break up, but there's just so many things we could not just break up like that, and then we hold on, and again we make it. though, right now there is no honeymoon period anymore, and our life is less exciting and monotone, more troubles adding on to us each day, but this boy never fail to make me laugh with his nonsense trick and idea :) 

On this very special day, I want to thank you, Sng Jia Jun. For changing my life, for making me a happier person, for giving up so much things for me, for always being there for me, though you are not my best listening ear I have (hahaha), but your accompany is good enough. Thanks for giving in to me, attend to all my needs and wants, treating me like a princess and everything. I love you :) and don't always pissed me off with your words, and I will love you more :p

Made this photo from every anniversary celebration :) look how much we have changed! :D

So it was a Thursday, and I had work as usual! boyfriend came to my workplace after his army and waited till I ended work! So lucky he got to use the car on that day! :) didn't really plan where to eat so we just did some research online and decided to settle our dinner at Da Paolo Bistro Bar located at One Rochester Park! 

Ended work at 8pm and off we went for the dinner! Lucky it was a quiet night as we didn't make any reservation! 

 a very relaxing environment! :D 

the lightening was dark and all the photos turn out to be very blurry ): 

boyfriend's Tekola Tea which taste kind of weird (he's very adventurer and always try those weird drinks) while I chose chocolate milkshake as usual! haha 

Mushroom Risotto with Truffle Oil 

Wagyu Beef Burger

The risotto was alright, not the best I ever tried but still acceptable :) but the burger was the best! the meat was cooked to the right texture for us and the combination of the sauce and ingredient in it was awesome! I think there's sweet onion and bacon inside and the burger was slightly toasted! too good! :D

I guess we finished our food in like, 15mins? haha more photos while waiting for our dessert which need 25 mins preparation time!


and tadahhhh! here's our dessert! chocolate souffle, with vanilla ice cream and berries! and there's a small glass bottle of whipped cream next to it! very cute presentation! they gave us two big spoons and two small spoons to eat! and I figure out very long the method of eating it :/ but for boyfriend, he would just save all the troubles and eat it out from one spoon hahaha 

this dessert cost $25 (a bit omfg in the first place) but after trying, gosh definitely worth the money! too awesome! the souffle was so goood! I'm going back to the place for this dessert for sure! 

there was a 10% discount for POSB/DBS debit card! hehe come baby, thanks me for the treat! haha 
intend to watch a movie after that, but we were too full and decided to just head back home! and that's it! a very simple celebration! ok really hope boyfriend enjoy the dinner :) 

Happy 4 years Anniversary my dear boy! :) Thanks for coming in my life and staying on for 4 years and counting! I love you and hope you will continue to treat me like a princess :3 

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