Monday, April 1, 2013


Hello, I'm back for some daily updates again!

some fluffy photo to start off! :3

this is a super fat cat at sister's workplace which I love so much! 

This was on 2nd March when the clique stayed over at ben's house and one of the friend bought this jelly cheese cake for us! :D 

and we head to Sentosa waterpark the next day! 

 before that, we had our breakfast at my dad's stall! :)

no photo taken throughout because we kept our phone in the locker ): we only get to reach there at like 12pm plus? manage to play a few slides before it started to rain heavily! sigh super wasted! washed up and left the place at around 5pm. I will come back again and I shall play all the rides! :) dinner and top one after that for the night :)  

went for dental appointment on 4th of march at paragon medicial centre! and again, sister accompanied me! :) so coincidence that brother booked that day for this Lasik surgery too and he was at level 13 while my dental is at level 9! haha had a quick visit after my appointment and rushed to work after that.

hehe teeth getting straighter and straighter! 

on 7th March, went to JB for dinner after my work! :) and again sister came and spend her day at my workplace hehe 

JB lok lok and wanton mee! super awesomeeee! :) 

Friday night, movie with boyfriend and the clique after work! watched Flight and it was so awesome! a very meaningful story :) supper at Spice after that 

Work on the next Saturday but it was not a bad things because boyfriend always accompany me on my saturday work! :) 

 boyfriend super funny, he give his towel to fluffy so to make her sleep comfortably!

meet up with my poly mates after work to have a belated celebration for Kin's birthday! Went to Timbre for the dinner :) 

we had fries, buffalo chicken wing, salmon pizza, duck pizza and lamb Shepard pie! and some beers as well :)

the Shepard pie was especially good! :)

sorry I didn't have a clearer shot of the cake ha ha! 

 ended the dinner at around 9pm plus, couldn't join the guys for movie as we had another birthday celebration to go! Benny's birthday! head over to hougang to meet the guys, dinner again at pasta mania and we went to Punggol Marina for fishing!

cake cutting at our fishing spot! haha happy birthday benny! :D 

didn't join the fishing because it was mad expensive! so basically I was like stoning throughout the whole night haha but the guys manage to catch big two fishes! left around 4am as I really couldn't bear the tiredness already.

Sunday, and as usual, went to boyfriend' house and played with baby Hannah! she's so cute omg

ha ha ha playing with my rubber band

this one super innocent eyes! ^^

and boyfriend trying to disturb her! haha

had dinner at boyfriend's house and went to hougang and the clique for second dinner. They brought the fish that they caught previous night to a coffee shop and asked them to cook! super awesome! :D

and I head back home for third dinner fat die me

A random monday, brought sister to eat ice cream because she was so down ha ha ha

 and finally I got chance to visit sister's workplace fat cat! went all the way down to cck after my work end just for this fat cat ha ha ha no la also to find my dear sister :3

she's so mad heavy that I have to use my leg to support her!

another day at workplace when fluffy found a 'good spot' to sleep on! super cute can! 

15 Mar, another Saturday again which I have no work! yay! was staying at boyfriend's house because his family went oversea! and I went over to accompany him ha ha ha

fetched sister from work and we went to Bio Beauty to top up my facial product from Sara Shantelle! and we took a photo with her! she's so pretty! :D 

went over to Benny's house for some exercise day! ha ha ha
badminton, ping pong, some of the guys went to gym and lastly swimming! :D 
I want to live at this type of condo ): the swimming pool is so awesome and there's even Jacuzzi and also steaming room in the shower room! I guess I will swim everyday if I live there ha ha ha 

washed up and had dinner over at Chomp Chomp and back the boyfriend's house after that! :3 and sunday was basically eating, watching tv and stone at boyfriend's house

the following week was awesome because boyfriend got to drive me home everyday after work because he got the car to use! :3 went to eat swee choon on one of the weekday! :) 

and also spend our fourth anniversary on Thur which I will blog separately :B

22 Mar Saturday, working day ):

not really a good day as there's some fights with boyfriend but got better later on. couldn't use car already as his parents was back oversea haha and he went home to take my dad car and fetch sister and I from work! :3

went back home to put car and head over to town to meet the poly clique! :D 

celebrated low yiling birthday at Paradise Dynasty which I didn't take any photo at all ):
Movie after that, Warm Bodies! a little bit lame lah but overall the storyline was good and funny as well! haha

chilled over at this pub/cafe at wheelock and we had a mini cake cutting session over there!

haha minghan made this birthday cake for her! super cute! hah 

and yay, she was surprised by the cake! planned it secretly with shuhui! haha

Happy Birthday Low Yiling! hope you have an awesome celebration with us! though we seldom meet up/talk but I still miss you so much! miss the old times! hope to catch up with you soon! :) 

25 Mar, went to Toni & Guy Academy and be a model for haircut! finally yknow! know this guy like half year back and because of my working schedule, it was so hard to match with his schedule! and finally after six month, we manage to find a perfect time to cut it! 

super short hairrrrrrrr (maybe is short to me) my previous hair length was like, to my butt! but it was pretty! :D Thank you so much! :)

that's all for now. 4 years anniversary post up next! :D 

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