Thursday, November 22, 2012

21st copymeows

Hi, shall write about my birthday! :D

Initially didn't want to have any big celebration for our birthday because I always attend friends' 21st chalet and they always seem so busy and tired and never really enjoy themselves. So I didn't plan any chalet for my birthday and our plans was to go uss with our boyfriend on the day, have dinner and go home. but until two weeks before the exact day, yilin's boyfriend was like saying why not open a hotel at sentosa so that everyone can go back hotel after uss and enjoy (because end up there's like 10 people going uss) and so this idea tempted me so much! and there's actually quite a lot of things happening in between which I shall not say much. Thanks SJJ so much for the help! and the hotel is only confirm  at the point of check in! I was really damn scare that it will not go as what I planned and I don't know how to explain to all the friends that I have invited. but tadah~ everything went on smoothly!

so the hotel was booked for 3D2N, which the first night was for us & boyfriend to enjoy and the second night with our friends :D but the first day was mad rushed because we got quite a few stuff to settle & sister's boyfriend had work till evening and we only get to reach the hotel at around 8pm D: wasted half day sigh

at Equarius Hotel checking in 

and the hotel lobby is so pretty! 

our room is at level 3 and I really love the interior so much especially the bathroom! so spacious, with an attached stand-up shower room, an attached toilet, a big bathtub, two basin and a make up table! and also, there's tv inside! mad cool right! 

oh and this big window that can be seen through from the bed room to the toilet! no just kidding, there's actually a curtain that can be controlled by a switch to pull it down & up and we have such a hard time looking for the switch! 

oh and this balcony is our favourite! mad chilling! it's two times bigger than this photo. 

we requested for two single bed so it will be more comfortable for two couples hehe :3

they actually provide a headrest for the bathtub and it was so comfortable lying in there

after settling down, we changed and went for dinner! :) 

at the lobby waiting for shelter bus to other hotel because our hotel don't have much restaurant :( 

so in love in this bus! so old school and vintage! 

went to Hard Rock Cafe located at Hard Rock Hotel in the end. Kinda sad that there is no fine dining around that area :( but never mind, this is good too :)

our side dish that cost $28, that consist of baked potatoes skin, chicken wing, onion ring, fish fillet, and popian and this dishes comes with four different type of cheese. I only like the onion ring not because the rest taste bad but because the rest are too hard for my braces teeth haha 
and this is my main dish! ok, I forget the name :( something something grilled salmon. super love the paris garlic mashed potatoes! would totally go back for this! anyway the portion is damn huge! if you are not so hungry, I recommend that it will be better to share between two person. Because the four of us left half of the food ): sister order New York grilled steak which costed $46 (crazy), her boyfriend order black pepper steak and baby ordered big cheese burger. the portion is crazily big but the taste is really good. so upset that we can't finish all of it ): 
and this chocolate milk shake cost $12 -___- the menu claimed that it is made from haagen dazs ice cream so I guess it will be pretty worth it yea? 
half way eating, I realise that I totally forget to buy shampoo and body wash, rushed to vivo but along the way something screwed up, and I went back to the cafe empty handed sigh ): 
the waiter promised sister and I two cakes, but we waited and nothing came so just paid the bill and left dishearteningly 

explored around resort world and I totally feel like I'm oversea! :D stone outside the Casino counting down to 12am when we will be hitting 21 as sister wanted to go in Casino! how good D: wanted to go in so much but boyfriend and I were totally broke so we can only wait outside for sister and her boyfriend hoping that they can win some money and bring us in! haha but obviously it didn't come true! waited for one hour and we decided to head back to hotel first! 

do some pack up, and decoration but we forget to bring scissor and tape and the only thing we can do is blow up balloons D: 

this is the other side of the room with L-shaped sofa and some table :) 

and here's a working table with a big plasma tv with games, information and different channel to watch! and this boyfriend of mine just stick to the tv all night long! mad irritating! don't even bother to entertain me D: 

manage to make 21 balloons and I only did 2. afraid of balloon hahaha

waited for sister & her boyfriend to come back and it was already 4am ): 

woke up the next morning at 8.00am to this beautiful scenery at the balcony! :D 

rushed to USS 7-11 with sister to buy our shampoo & body wash and surprisingly the first to reach was ben! haha back to hotel and immediately washed up! and soon the guys who are going to USS with us reached :D and thanks for buying mac breakfast for us! ^^

we were kinda dragged and by the time we leave the hotel room, it was already 11am plus D: mad upset because we were supposed to be at the USS entrance at 10am!
anyway thanks layyen for the help and we could get the USS tickets for cheaper price! lovessss

Reached USS and all excited kid :D 

the first ride we took was transformer 4D! but the waiting time was 50minutes and we almost wanted to give up queuing and get out to buy express tickets! but so lucky that we didn't! because after that we realise that only the transformer have the longest waiting time and the rest of the rides were only 5-10mins wait!

Human& cyclone ride next and it was the best ride everrrr! ok I almost break my neck while playing cyclone! haha and I just took all the first row seat ^^ dislike sitting at other rows because you can't get to experience the best feeling :3 

it started to rain heavily after we were done with the human & cyclone ride so saddddddd ): 
revenge of mummy next and we played this twice because the guys wanted to do some funny pose at the camera part. 

and here is it! look at the second row :D 

went for lunch at the food court and wtffffff my laska cost $11 and the others' chicken rice cost $11 too. lucky we got the $5 food coupon and only cost $6 after that but still, expensive ):  the rain doesn't seem to stop and we were stuck at the food court for quite long. super moodless sigh 

went to play 4D Shrek next and it was boring guess because I have tried it before ): they should change the storyline man ): water ride next(I guess?) and the slide is kinda short and there's only one slide :( quite different from those normal wet&wild haha, canopy flyer next and followed by enchanted airways. this two roller coaster still alright, not that excited ): wanted to play the merry go round but no chance ): 

oh anyway, bought poncho at $3 for the ride and for walking under the rain haha

yay the girls :3 
and the awesome layyen! ^^ 

went to play the transformer ride again as shuhui and her boyfriend were not here earlier when we went for the ride! mad giddy after playing for the second time woww and then the five of us sister, ben, shuhui, bryan and I went to play the cyclone again for the last ride of the day. I swear it was so much different playing the second time! definitely much funner than the first time! haha

this is the only photo taken with boyfriend at USS and we were about to leave the place already. both of us look so worn out and with messy hair! so upset D: no proper & pretty photo taken together! ): because most of the times we were walking separately lol 

lastly the group photo with ten of us inside! thanks for coming people :3

and a failed jumpshot haha

extremely rushed because some of my friends have arrived already and my parent were waiting at the hotel lobby already! super anxious and I got quite hot tempered sorry guys.. 

but really thanks daddy&mummy for preparing some food and helped me to collect the pizza and thanks kin&steph for collecting my birthday cake which was kinda far away and letting you to wait for such a long time! feel extremely bad! 

finally head back to the hotel room after some struggling and went to wash up&change

our clothes for the night. chose the same design hehehe

first group photo w my family :D

with Yvonne, primary school friend till now which is 14 years! thanks for coming although we didn't contact much already due to our busy schedule but still glad that everytime we meet up, we could still chat like the old times 

Violet & Yvonne :) 

Edmund & Nessya with our braces hehehe :B

another two of my girls with 14 years of friendship! 
tinghui, the girl who never fail to be there, help me & cheer me up, and always talk nonsense with me :) thanks for being such a sweetie babe 

yaqing, which we call ourselves qingting (dragonfly) because of our name combination! haha thanks for coming despite your busy schedule! even though we live so nearby to each other but yet we fail to meet up everytime! remember me if you need some supper buddy! and hope we will never drift apart

ok honestly I guess I didn't really entertain everyone well, and I got no idea what I am doing hahaha. my family left earlier because they feel kinda awkward with my friends around and so yvonne&violet followed them back because we live opposite block. 

waited for most of them to arrive and only start the cake-cutting session at 11pm! so sorry guys :/

our cake! 'Happy Birthday Copymeow' because we called each other copymeow :3 
and this is the cake that I have been finding for 6years (a very meaningful cake to me) and I decided to make it my 21st birthday cake. and this only cost $60! cheap right compare to others who spend $200-$300 on cakes hahaha

did I appear taller than sister :D 

you know, the awkward moment when people sing birthday song for you and you don't know whether to sing along and you just clap your hand and smile stupidly 
I didn't really make a wish because I was mad shy as many eyes were looking at us hahahaha 
and tadah~ blow the candles successfully without anyone smashing the cake if not it gonna be a bloody night ok just kidding 

hi love you sister :*

first group photo with our boyfriend 

with my primary school & secondary school friend, two only because some left and some couldn't make it. no actually I'm super anti-social, low morale, quiet and don't know how to make friend when I'm young hahaha ok you guess yourself

with polymates! thanks to those who came! 3 years of poly without you all will be less exciting and interesting and thanks for making my poly life the best moment ever even with all the ups&downs :) 

with baby and his poly clique! without SJJ, I wouldn't have known all of you! awesome clique 

the clubbing friends. the guys who we met during club and turn out to be such a good friends till now! miss all the late night outing and driving around 
as quoted from Ben 'the random clique' ok just kidding, but I'm glad to know all of you! it was always fun hanging out with you all and all the late night tonning&fishing, the random meet up and so on! 
and Benedict Aw Dajun, thanks for being my best guy friend, thanks for being able to be friend despite  our past, thanks for accompany me when I'm down (no, you should thank me more because I help you even more hahaha), and the one who we can share and talk about every single thing. Thanks for staying in my life for 6 years and so on  
my FYP group mates (one not here), spend 4-6months days&nights together in our last year and being such an understanding group mates! love you guys 

my favourite girls in poly! so thankful to have them in my life and words just can't describe how much I love them! the fun&laughter we share, the awesome&epic moment we have gone through, the little secrets we have, love you Ong Layyen & Poh Shuhui 

this girl Hwanling came and surprised me! so touched ^^ best friend when I was still at Stamford but lost contact when we changed school! but thanks to social network, we find each other back! glad we are still as close as ever.❤ ( ps, I miss the time when we had lunch together everyday when I was working at raffles and we will rant whatever things happened during our work to each other! ) 

Low Yiling, the girl who have helped me so much, give me so many advice and with me all the times, and most importantly during the internship period, taking care of me, thanks Something happened and we were kinda drift apart, but I hope one day we will be  back like last time, chatted about every single thing, and be each other listening ear, going out and exploring all the good food  miss you 

hahaha ok my birthday post become a thank you post. but anyway, really thanks for everyone who made an effort to come down! 

oh and the cake taste great! I ordered this from Eds Jelly Heart :) 

some of the photos taken after that~

can't remember how much I have drank throughout the night, playing games, drinking, but don't worry I was sober all along because I still remember every single thing. and sorry it was kinda bored because light off at 3am and everyone went to sleep :/ 

woke up at 6.40am! haha mad early I know because it was too cold to sleep! and the few of them were awake too at least got people to entertain me! hahaha

packed & cleaned up a bit, sister, layyen and I went to 7-11 and buy cup noodles for the rest of them! and took like one hour... supposed to check out at 12pm but it was already 10.30 by the time we came back and I decided to try my luck and request to extend the check out time! Manage to extend to 1pm, not bad righttttt :3

came back to the hotel and saw this! HAHA SUPER DUPER FUNNY & CUTE aw 

managed to pack everything and get everyone to be done at 12.50pm! :) check out and the staff helped us to book taxi! :) 
yea so this is the end of the whole hotel celebration! 

Part 2 
Steamboat with family & relatives & some of my friends on Sunday!

Woke up super early with baby at 8am to go down to the market and buy ingredients. brought $100 along thinking that it would be more than enough! and you know what, really cannot ask me to buy because I will just spam like mad! lucky we left just enough money to buy our breakfast and we are left with like 60cents hahah so pathetic 

mad tired for the rest of the days, sleep&awake non-stop, helped mum with the steamboat and we drove out to get our cake for the night. 

this is only 1/4 of the ingredients. so you can roughly guess how crazy I am 

the same type of cake but from different shop.
Sadly, this doesn't taste as great as the other one ): 

no much photo because all of my relatives left already :/ and my parents refused to take with us haha

ok all the presents that I have received! 

Tiffany&Co from Tinghui, Hwanling, Benedict & Sister! 

A Scheduler from Yaqing 

Burberry Perfume from Maybeline, Benny & Deming 

Long Champ Bag from Layyen, Shuhui, Benedict, Shuning, Caiyun, Yiling, Minghan & Kangling 

Thomas Sabo bracelet from Yvonne & Violet 

and this which I have mentioned before, Titus watch and ring for myself 

Prada wallet from Sng Jiajun 

and lastly, Iphone 5 from my parents! even though I have to fork out additional $300 myself 

so that's sum up my whole birthday celebration :) 
and Happy birthday to my twin sister too! Thanks for being such an awesome sister, never leave each other apart, always my listening ear, making me laugh like some crazy woman, giving me surprise, messaging with each other every single time when we are apart, and always get high when we see each other after a long day. though we quarrel often, but never over 1 hour! :) 21 years of together, and I really can't imagine a day without you love you sister :3

and thanks baby for getting the Prada wallet for me! spending so much even you are still in army and getting such a pathetic amount of pay and yet willingly to buy! love you baby :) and thanks for helping me so much throughout the whole celebration! appreciate it! :) 

thanks to the ones who went to USS with us! really have a lots of fun despite the rain! :) 

and thanks to those who came for the night! sorry that I didn't entertain you all much! but I'm really touched that you all made an effort to come all the way down since the location was kinda inaccessible. love you guysssss :D

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