Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hello loves, it's been 2 months since the last update! and guess what's new? 

hehehe my braces! :B 
actually it was kinda sudden! ok the story goes like this, initially I wanted to put invisalign so I went to Scotts Dental for consultation, x-ray, mould and everything. but because my lower jaw is kinda protruding and the upper didn't develop well so was told to consider the jaw surgery. to be exact, the doc want me to find out what I really want to achieve. just straight teeth or change the look? was so freaking stress for that few days! discussed with my mum and she asked me to go for the surgery! (damn surprised) So I went back to the Scotts Dental, discussed with my dentist and then he refer me to a doctor at Paragon, W S Go & Associates Dental Surgeons. Booked an appt w them one week later and I brought my mum along. BUT after the doc explained the whole procedures to us, and most importantly the amount of money, my mum doesn't want me to do D: ohman, so upset! was so stressed after that, because I really don't know what to do and money was one of the biggest problem. decided not to think anymore, and head to my oversea trip at that time. Told parents that I will make up my mind after we are back from the holiday. But obviously, I still couldn't make up my mind after I was back to singapore. because you see, money problem again. dragged for another one month plus until mid of sep, my dad suddenly called me when I was working! He asked me is it because of money problem I still haven't do my braces. I was like ya and he asked me the amount for the first payment. ok honestly I really don't know the amount, so I just said 2k. And he replied, 'I will pass you the 2k tomorrow and you go book the appointment immediately.' super touched to the max! So after I hang up the phone with dad, I immediately called and book appt w W S Go & Associates Dental. and it was 3 days later! extremely nervous and mixed feeling. deep in my heart, I really want to choose the surgery. but I don't know how far I willingly to sacrifice for the surgery, so I'm back to square one. Choose the braces in the end after so many things. The day was here, and I went to appt alone. D: I thought it was like normal consultation, telling me the procedures and everything. but hell no, it started right away! was supposed to extract my teeth but so lucky(maybe no) I was having my fever, so it was not advised to do the extraction. thus we proceed to do the scaling and polishing first. mad sensitive ): book appt the next day for extraction. SO HAPPY THAT SISTER CAN ACCOMPANY ME FOR THE EXTRACTION! omg I was super scared for the extraction! I keep having negative mindset like what if the anesthesia medicine doesn't work on me (because I got a few experience that anesthesia doesn't work immediately on me and when the surgery/operation start, I still freaking feel the pain and they have to inject the anesthesia again -__-), and I keep thinking what if they extract the wrong teeth, what if they didn't extract properly and result in heavy bleeding? gosh all the bad thoughts! 
but obviously none of my negative thoughts happen! The doctor is so professional and awesome! he calm me down and even ensure that the anesthesia start to take effect before starting the extraction! and he was damn fast! he pulled two teeth out within 10 minutes! *cries of happiness* I totally can't feel anything at all! was trying to talk to the nurse after that but because of the numbness, I was literally talking rubbish and mad amazing, huangyilin understand every single word that I'm saying and she helped me talk to the nurse. double happiness! hahaha and she send me home after that even though she was running late for work! triple happiness
but the next few days was crap! the pain was not like those normal sharp/injury pain, is like those super sour, aching pain if you get what I mean. and I spam at least 4 panadols everyday. and it was the first time that I really think panadol work on me! couldn't eat most of the food and I hate that ): 
went to put my braces 2 weeks later and I only realise that Im only putting my upper jaw on that day ha ha ha  ok feel super weird and uncomfortable. boyfriend and sister were going crazy over me hahaha

so here's the photo! 
was kinda mood swing for the next few days because I totally can't get used to it and the ulcer was killing me ): 

 ok and this is one month later when I put my lower jaw. Took almost an week to get used to the lower one! haha

see my sister's perfect white straight teeth! 

ok enough of my braces story! lots of people asking me why did I go to such an expensive dental. so here's the reason! after running here & there, I'm really damn lazy to go find those cheaper one. So I just stay at there for my braces treatment. further more, the dentist is really so friendly & professional so yeaaaa! 

shall do a few updates for this few weeks.

hm this was on the mid Autumn festival! went to punggol end for fishing, playing with candles and sparkles rocket! 

So JJ was making the sparkles rocket with just 5 sparkles, the power was not really strong and didn't really fly and then on the last attempt, they suggested using 10 sparkles! we were staying in a line watching, and woah the power was so strong that it fly toward us! and I was so unlucky that it landed on my leg! my leg got burnt  and here's the scar..... and also two holes near my toes. mad unlucky! got quite pissed off after looking at the scar sigh... 

ok this is 2 days before ben's birthday!  went to this sushi restaurant at King's road for his birthday dinner with his friends! choose the sushi buffet which was $60 per pax! expensive I know but it was super worth it! there's a wide range of choice and most importantly all kinds of sashimi! 

went to fishing at punggol end after the dinner! but I didn't stay for long because I got work the following day ): 

work the following day and jason came down to my office and completed his art work! damn awesome! thanks so much :D 

head down to orchard after work to get ben's birthday present ha ha ha 

 went to his house and passed him his birthday present! a belt from coach! ok hopefully he love the design ha ha ha 

decided to have a DIY bbq and fishing at punggol end! 

quite a good catch that night guess because of the birthday boy luck! haha

  big big big fish compared to my slipper! haha


13 Oct, my dear limtinghui 21st birthday! didn't have any big celebration! went to 2D1N korean bbq for dinner! :D 

 cake-cutting session after the dinner :D 

head to ben's house after that because we were going to fish again! this time round, the girls joined us and it was so much fun! hahah

the other day, went to Hummerstons for dinner for Steph's birthday dinner with 8 others after work! by right I end work at 5pm but the rain was mad heavy that I was stuck in the office to 7pm ): 

the staff at Hummerstons is so friendly! I didn't really like the food combination at there, and the staff actually helped me to customize and make it to my favourite dish, truffle risotto! ok, no photo because the place was too dark! haha

went for movie, Premium rush after that and head to club! bumped into Hwanling at there! haha

and this is some impromptu decision to head down to my dad's stall before my work! 

This was one day before the hari raya haji! went for fishing again! this time round with even more people thus we decided to have DIY bbq again! :D 

stayed all the way to 8am in the morning, head home slept less than 4 hours and we have to wake up and prepare for picnic! :D it was a potluck session so I cooked my usual mushroom aglio olio again! so glad that daddy lend us the car and it save us lots of trouble! :) 




a group photo before we left! :) at Botanic Garden. Swan Lake and it was my first time there ha ha ha 

and nine of us squeeze into my dad's car and it was super epic! head to the cathay and luckily it isn't far from botanic garden! nine people in a car was really mad dangerous! watched hit&run after that and the movie is damn nonsense but yet humorous. home after that xo

woke up the next day w lots of plan in our mind but we were too lazy. Only get to leave house at 4pm and head to Katong Junction for Robolots! Saw this cafe somewhere at facebook and I immediately fall in love with it because it is selling my favourite food, Crepes! and one of the flavour is truffle! truffle truffle truffle this word never fail to attract my attention! how can someone not love truffle hur? truffle + crepes woah double love and I make JJ go with me! 

Hot Latte! those little toys on the table is so cute! 

Cookies & Cream Cheese w Dark Chocolate Ice Cream! must try if you are a chocolate lover! the combination in it is so perfect! 

and here's it! Shuffle My Truffle! together with side dishes of whipped potatoes and salsa nachos! too good I swear! 

shared both of the crepes with SJJ, and it's actually quite filling even though it look quite small! definitely going back to try other flavor! 

head to pasir ris meet his sec sch friend! and I went to Ehub to buy the strawberry cheese cake that I have been finding for so long, about 6 years. The last time I bought it was at tampines but the shop closed down and I couldn't find it anymore, not even similar one. Until recently I saw one of my friend posting it and I got super high! But it was at Ehub D: Finally got the chance to buy it but I was feeling extremely unwell at that point of time and I didn't eat it immediately. Keep it in my bag and wanting to eat it later. But after we reached his friend's birthday chalet at costa sands, I totally forget about the cake and I left my bag in the cupboard. And I only remember it when we reached home and JJ saw it in my bag which was like 10 hours later and the cake totally melt..... heart shattered. omg really damn upset at the point of time. don't even know when will be the next time that I will be heading to ehub D: 

nevermind, back to the chalet. first time attending chalet that I didn't touch any alcohol at all because my stomach was so unwell and I was feeling so nauseous. Ate some of the BBQ food and it was mad delicious! stone and played 21 for like 3 hours. SJJ drank freaking a lot and fell asleep at some corner tsk 

again, we only had like 5 hours of sleep and head to sentosa with his army friends! lunched at vivo and was supposed to go for the red bull event but we were late and by the time we reached, they were having award presentation already D: 

suntanning, picnic, dipping in the sea, playing frisbee and volleyball  super awesome ^^ and I'm so tanned right now. not there with any of my girls thus there's no much camwhoring! haha 

back to vivo in the evening, wanted to buy some food and we walked past City Chain. And I will always go inside whenever I walk pass any of the City Chain shop. Have been aiming for Solvil et Titus watch for a long long time. but the one I want cost $900 and so I can only admire and secretly saving up money for it. JJ was like hurrying me and wanted to get out of the shop asap ): but I just took my own sweet time and this time round I decided to approach the salesman and asked for a few piece to try it on! tried one of the design that was similar to my ideal one. woah immediately fall in love with it! it cost $625 after a 10% discount and also it was their last day giving out a Titus ring that worth $189 at a minimum purchase of $300! tell me worth it or not because I think it's a super good buy! and I immediately bought it ha ha ha must be crazy I guess. But I don't feel any heartache or whatsoever and nothing can describe my happiness so yeaaa jump around!

so here's the design that I bought! my ideal one was supposedly to have crystal around the outside rim but the sales man said if the crystal drop there's no way that it can be replaced and it will become ugly! so on a second thought, this will be a better choice! 

and here's the ring! mad pretty right! I guess 3/4 of the reason I immediately bought it was because of this ring! I can actually go back home think about it, and go back to the shop anytime if I have made up my mind, but because of this ring, I couldn't think anymore and immediately bought it! and surprisingly parents didn't object to such an expensive item that I bought for myself (i mean anyway its my money) because normally they would nag at every single thing that I buy! 
so yea, birthday present to myself, I guess it's alright to buy birthday present for myself yea? guess I deserve such a good gift. Have been buying so many branded stuff for others, but never once for myself. 

and below is some of the photo of my pretty cat, fluffy! 

that's pretty sum up all I guess. Still haven't blog about my trip to chengdu! I hope soon, I h o p e. 
guess my next update will be my birthday! still stressing over my birthday celebration. D: and it's coming in 10 days time! 

till then, Bye! 

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