Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Longest post for 2011

hi people. I'm gonna write the longest post ever for 2011. super upset that I blog so little for 2011! there's seriously so much thing for me to update but I just didn't have the time to, or maybe I'm just too lazy. ohman, next time I'm going to look back at my blog and regret why didn't I blog at all!

 so let me think hmm, recovered from anemia which was such a torturing experience! rushed all the way for our final year project, ya I know I did very little on my part in my group due to my sickness ): but guys, it was really great working with magicboi_888 group! (: flew off to china right after my fyp end! totally couldn't describe my happiness! after like 3 years, we finally get to go back and visit my grandparents and all the relatives! but honestly, the first few days at there was kinda sucky because i couldn't adapt to the environment and the separation from baby for 3 weeks and not able to see him make it worst. but yea, thanks baby for waiting for me! messaged me and tried your best to call me every single day! (: this time round, the trip was not that pleasant. my grandma got stroke and was admitted into hospital. Most of our plan was cancelled and we didn't really visit a lot of places. but glad now, my grandma is on the road of recovery! (: anddddd the thing I missed the most was spamming pig blood everyday, sneaking to top level, lying on sofa everyday watching movie, and played by the well.

coming back from china, attended design show that was held at vivo city, went for graduation show! that's was the most memorable thing ever! 3 years of poly life is over! nothing, i mean nothing can describe my feeling for it. happy, sad, anger, good or bad, I don't know. what I treasure is all those friends that have been w me thru these 3 years and is still right here and have never leave. I love you guys.

oh and on 21st march 2011, baby and I reached our 2nd year! how awesome is it! We didn't manage to celebrate it on the actual day because I was already at china! so we had an advance celebration. I forget whether I had blogged about this? I shall wrote a short summary over here alright. Can't remember exactly what we had done, but baby drove my dad car out and we head to East Coast Park One Twenty Six to have our ever first fine-dining! spend a bomb over there but I think it's all worth it! and that's all I can remember! and then what's coming up was baby's 21st birthday celebration! and both of us was busy preparing for it! I can say, it was a good one. everyone did enjoy it right? I not sure but surely, baby really enjoyed a lot! I know I didn't give him like what, high branded stuff or what. but hope yknow, thoughts count. I do my best to make it a really good surprise for him and helped out as much as I can for the birthday chalet! hope baby really appreciate it :) after that all the way to his enlistment, we really tried to spend most of our time together! and our most usual hang out place for that period was at the cathay! really missed it man! stonning outside the cathay thinking of plans of going where and end up hours and hours just flew like that and we did nothing at the end of the day! haa going for movies, singing k, late night chilling, going mahjong and clubbing. Nothing much I know as yknow we are really damn lazy to come out w any romantic ideas for dating haha u see, honeymoon period is over!

 and when the day his enlistment had finally reached, ohmygod I swear I'm super upset. accompanied him to shave his hair, getting ready for his enlistment and stuff. Sending him in to tekong and went back alone. I got super emotional and lost! I mean like, we were too stick together for the past few weeks and months and so all, and suddenly we got separated! I was like a lost kid wandering around and missing him so much. But I glad things get better after a few days. haa so for the next few months, I was like sending him to camp and then pick him up from camp every week. such a sweet girlfriend right I know. and I will be always like giving him surprise and said, no I'm at home lying on sofa watching tv but haa, actually I'm at pasir ris station waiting for him! but sometimes, I got really temperamental and unreasonable, quarreled with him over stuff like uhhhhh, ok I forget. but aiyah, he really give in all the way to me despite his shagginess after all the training and exercise. Treated me like a princess and he understand me in and out, so he always know what I want without me telling him! feel like a king man haa thanks baby ^^ every weekends is like a routine ever since he got enlisted. Is like friday I picked him up from pasir ris, went for dinner and head home separately. Sat he came and looked for me, out for lunch and then movie (if not, some day will be singing k), dinner then either mahjong or clubbing. EVERY SINGLE WEEK IS THE SAME I TELL U NO KIDDING. but actually not that bad, because it's not just me and him. we did this routine together w all our friends! haha no matter how harddddddd we cracked our brain, we still couldn't think of a better idea to do something different! no idea why man. Singapore is too bored I swear, or maybe less exciting. okok maybe not every week the same, some of the week was attending friend's chalet and birthday celebration. not that bad afterall I guess haha attended a number of chalets like edmund teo's , layyen's , jiayi's , andy's (: oh and we attended baby's brother wedding! I went to help out from morning all the way to night! it was god damn sweet and awesome to witness such a lovely wedding! tiring and enjoyable :)

 finally waited till the day baby's POP! attended his POP and was so happy to see baby finally POP lo! and his one week block leave, we went to genting! at first I was afraid that it would be quite boring as only two of us is going (because we are very used to hanging out w friends ) but lucky baby entertained me throughout the whole trip! we went for 2days 2nights. Took the midnight bus up genting and reached there at like 6am! collect queue number for check in and we head to marry brown for breakfast! walked around first world hotel for a little while and chilled at starbuck till like 10am and we went to lobby for check in! manage to get our room at like 11am? really don't like first world hotel ): still prefer resort the most! rested, get changed and we head to highland hotel pizza factory for our lunch! went to buy tickets for indoor and outdoor theme park! there was so little crowd and the whole place look kinda dead ): didn't have to waste time on queuing at all! first ride was corkscrew (still the best) , followed by pirate ship ( baby was damn irritating can! he trying to imitate a guy for not having any emotion at all during the ride! I swear his face expression was damn priceless! ) and spinner next! and baby being so irritated too! he sat in front of me and throughout the whole ride, he just swing the seat, faced me and made all sort of funny expression! hahaha couldn't stand his cuteness uh! and boo, after that ride it started to rain heavily ): so we went for indoor theme park and it was damn crowded... only manage to play euro express! oh and we keep on buying small snack like chocolate waffle, bubble tea, cup corn and so on... rain stopped after like 2 hours? and we head out to outdoor theme park again! went to play the water slide(?) and while queuing, we went to look for our name that we wrote at the trunk 3 years back at there, but obviously it was not there anymore! awesome ride, scream like a mad woman! and then flying coaster next! super love it uh! heh spend a lot of money playing at stall games thanks to baby! he couldn't win and keep wanna retry! end up we only manage to win a small soft toy ): bought crepes to eat in there and I SWEAR IT WAS THE BEST CREPE I EVER HAD. was damn regretted that we didn't buy two and the stall was closed ! ): went back to the first world hotel, did a little shopping and we went to coffee Terrance for dinner buffet! damn awesome and baby spam the sashimi like mad! spend like two hours eating and oh baby ate till damn funny! lots of expression and super entertaining! went for shopping again after dinner, tour around genting and head back to our hotel room! baby was such an asshole! he accidentally turned off the main switch and the whole room black out! ohmygod I screamed like hellllllll! so for his punishment, he had to wait until I fell asleep so he could sleep! haha and he really did that! aw thanks baby! ^^ (uh no, u deserve it^^) and next morning, we woke up super early! Head to old town white coffee for our breakfast, and yea don't forget the awesome hot chocolate drink! :) and baby bought me to sit the cable car! i'm like a freaking excited kid because I haven't tried sitting cable car at such a high level! and so throughout the ride down, I was damn hyper and noisy! but oh, the ride back I was dead quiet because it's way too long and I got bored. mew blame baby for not entertained me enough. back to genting and we went for another round of flying coaster ride. hoho so awesome. back to our room, packed, and shopped and yea, board the bus and back to singapore! and something ridiculous was, we went mahjong straight after we reached with all our luggage. power I know.

 so baby was posted to OCS and I really feel very proud for him. but it was really tough for both of us. He had his first 3 weeks confinement and I got to visit him on family day at safti! Our meeting got really lesser as he could only book out on sat, and he got so many field camp and we could hardly contact. I mean, I'm really fine with it yea. Just have to really get used to it and eventually, I did it. ^^ attended another wedding of baby's friend! and I really love attending wedding dinner! feel so happy for them!

coming up next was my birthday that was held at Marina Bay Sands together with Corn's birthday. oh and before that, my mum prepared steamboat for me, invited all the relatives to my house. it was damn awesome hehe. so thanks to those who came! :) Overall it was a pleasant one but not really enjoyable I can say. The only thing I love was just the swim at the top level! :) I only know that I'm not going to hold another birthday celebration like that so yeaaaa. ( and baby, u still own me my birthday present! ) and another birthday dinner with sister at one of the restaurant along clark quey river! Thanks sister for giving me such an awesome present because she know that I'm feeling really upset for my birthday!

so hm, can't really remember much. But head to a lot of different places and tried out quite a number of restaurant in Singapore w baby and sister. had really a lot of JB trip too and damn upset that baby still couldn't come Jb along with me! ): christmas and new year celebration was a sucky one. but wait, sister treated me to kuishinbo buffet for new year eve, so it's awesome for that one. but the rest was... s u c k. don't wanna celebrate this type of occasion anymore. Didn't end the year well because I became jobless, don't ask. U won't understand how shitty it was for me. and adding on to it, baby sprained his ankle so badly and he got out of course. how bad can thing become seriously? money is now the biggest issue for us. oh man.. okay let's not talk about it. this is not going be an emotional post right? haa

 (but still something I need to say, it's your return. at first, I was curious of finding out all the truths and end up, things turn out to not what I expected. I mean, I felt really relieved and glad after knowing the truth. but now, right now this moment, somehow, I regret of choosing the choice of contacting u back. no idea why, but I just hate those feeling that I was having for that one month. I'm so thankful that I choose to break contact with you and now I am 100000000x happier I swear. U will never understand what I have gone through and everything between boyfriend and I. Hope u move on and be happier. )

and Sng Jiajun, Thanks for all the love, the giving, the care, the concern, the understanding, the treatment, the patience, the happiness that you have given me. so glad that we survived another year again. soon, we are going to reach our 3 years. Hope you know, I will always be here for you, support you no matter what decision you made, and pursue our dreams together. I love you baby and I can't thank more for having you in my life.

Hope in this year, I can have a more stable life and more success in my life.
Love all the people that have been there with me. 
and Sister, I love you more than anything else.

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