Thursday, March 17, 2011

village love

Hi from China! :D
good thing is there's internet over here, but bad thing is, only one lappy is allowed to use the internet! so we are always snatching the internet! haa but we have the terms and that is i shall use the internet in the night!

some photos from my iphone! lazy upload the photo from my slr yet! next time k!

before flying off, photo w baby! :D

had a very very very sad bid goodbye w baby. glad that both of us didn't cry haa!
entered the depature hall and went to duty free to buy some liquor! (:
plane took off at 9.14am and we reached xia men at 12.55pm!
and I slept for around 2hours? :)

the food provided to us.
kinda disappointing ! ): still prefer singapore airline the most.

hehe first time took plane sit together w daddy!

I keep falling asleep man! seriously tired! reached and my aunt and uncle fetched us from the airport. and a 3hours car ride to my grandparents village!

here some of the few photos taken :)

my grandparents dog! fucking cute i swear! he has a very weird character!
love to roll around the floor and wait for us to rub his stomach!

that's my hello kitty slipper ^^

kinda home sick on the first day. but get better on the second day!
village life is lovedd ! :D
fucking relaxing man! sleep and eat the whole day. and played badminton whenever we want!
it's the third day!
21 days to go!
and Im so super sick ): cough like fuck seriously!
please hope I could recover like real soon!
going into the city tomorrow !
it's so damn cold here. around 12 degree to 15 degree
feel so flurry wearing so many layer clothes ._.
and we have awesome food like everyday, every meal.
guess I gonna gain weight like real soon!
sleep at 9plus and woke up at 8am everyday.
three meal everyday.
hoho tell me how healthly I am
life like that is awesome !
k shall blog soon! (:

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