Monday, February 28, 2011

2nd valentine day


hehe we are now the two curly hair in the house!

start of the day, daddy drove me and my sister to raffles place to settle our china visa!
there was so much problem and I got seriously damn pissed off! fucking china people
so you know what, be stubborn and go against them. tadah~ and I success ed! fuckyou

head down to ps and settled baby's present.
k I already got the present the previous day, just that the wrapping is not ready yet.
rushed like hell because baby and his friends were already waiting for us at the cathay!
hehe so happy with my ending result! ^^

met baby and passed him the present!
little happy kid yea!
went for movie together w his friends, (fml i forget what movie we watched kthxbye)

ended movie around 6pm!
chilled outside for awhile while waiting for sis's boyfriend

head to vivocity!
baby together with his sweet little present! ^^

and he opened it !
is a headphoneeeee! TOUCHED NOT?!

reached vivo city, walked a few round and found nothing we like.
so decided to head to marina square for swenwses!

k a lot of photos. enjoy (:


and mine! ^^

and our dessert! sticky chewy chocolate! all times favourite! ^^

k were super duper full after that! satisfied ^^
planned to go kbox after that!
end up it was too expensvie ): so plan cancelled!
chilled a little while and baby send me home after that lovessss

simple thing like this is great!
love you baby and I hope you love my present k and the card too (:
Happy Valentine Day! (:

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