Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I haven't been updating for god damn long. I got no idea where to start from and so.
It's a new year. So Belated Merry Christmas and Belated Happy New Year. I didn't have any celebration this time round for both event. I was busy working yea. oh and I worked 22 hours on new year eve. it was awesome (:

Maybe I will write a short summary soon on 2010 k (:

and things is going great for my relationship. we have just pass our 21th months. definitely we still have some tiny weeny quarrel but still, we are all good!

some major incident was, my health. my health deprove hell load after coming back from oversea trip. throughout 1 whole month, my health was really shitty uh. i was totally stubborn and refuse to see doctor for that 1 month. Until people around me start to get really worry and that include myself too after seeing the condition of my health. I was god damn pale till you won't want to imagine it. Went to SGH but yet they asked to visit the polyclinic first. Had blood test and they asked me to wait for 1 week for the result. Totally disappointed. 2 days after, I went to my family clinic. As soon as the doctor see me, she immediately refer me to tts A&E. I thought it was nothing and it would be just a normal check up at there. End up, after 3hours of check up, I have to be admitted. fml I was crying like fuck because I don't want to. I have Anemia and my red blood cell count is half of a normal girl. Everyone was damn frustrated with me I know. and the doctor come and say me and everything and i agree. Was being send to my ward after that. Dad, mum, sister, boyfriend were all there already. 3 doctor came and they inserted a tube through my nose all the way down to my stomach. I tell you, the feeling suck to the max. and again, I was crying. So was lying there all day long. was on drip and at night, I have two packet of blood transfusion. (got a slight fever during the transfusion). I was not allowed to eat as I have a stomach scan on the following day. oh and thanks layyen, alina (for the flower), tinghui, yaqing, wanling, shuhui(for the sticky sweet), kenyih for visiting me. and baby and sister staying w me all the way till 12am (: oh and I was the only patient in my ward!

Didn't have a good sleep ): as the nurse keep coming in to check my pressure, blood test, change my drip and everything. Woke up super early like at 7am? stone there, doctor visit, took a bath and it was so damn difficult to bath w my drip on and have to get help from nurse. oh and make friend w the nurse intern at there (: all super friendly uh! being pushed to the operation room at 10.30am and waited for my scan. i requested to be put to sleep. but I don't know why i was still awake and could feel during the scan. they put a bigger tube w a cam down to my stomach through my mouth. goddamn fucking uncomfortable to the max. back to my room at like 1pm+. I don't know why but i was super duper bad mood. mummy daddy sister and brother came. baby came. I ignore everyone ): because my stomach was okay so that's mean more scan coming up. Fucking irritated and I really don't wanna any more scan. and i have to put the oxygen tube which make me even moodless. Something happen and I'm totally pissed. baby bought me a lot of food, starbuck drinks and i refused to eat. I'm really sorry ): Family left soon and I was like sleep, wake, sleep, wake. Didn't eat and nurse had to continue to put me on drip ): Baby's family came to visit me and I was stressed to the max! haa totally unglam. Followed by James, Minghan, Xianming, Kangling, Caiyun, and even my lecturer Siew Cheng came (: Tinghui and Yaqing came again and w a book too! totally touched! (: Something happen in the night. Sigh shall not say. I'm really sorry... ): Thanks sister for requesting and stayed w me throughout the whole night till morning. I have to prepare for the following day scan at big intestine. and I was asked to drink 2 litres of med(taste super duper awful) to discharge everything in my big intestine. uh thank uh. Do not comment till you try it.

3rd day. many doctor came. some changes amend to the scan. ): my mum came and signed. went to bath and this time round, no nurse there to help. omg i took a fucking long time to bath. oh, and the part where my drip was put on got infection. haa the nurses told me I didn't notice earlier and wasted such a good vein. so had to re inject at my hand. were pushed to the operation room and prepare for the big intestine scan. lied on the bed and waited for super duper long before the scan started. was being put to sleep, oh and I still did feel the fucking pain inside my intestine. Couldn't remember any thing after that. and after i woke up, i was at the waiting ward and I have slept for like 2hours+. pushed back to my own ward after that. hehe and my mum was there waiting for me ! baby and sister came (: my relative came to visit me too. and she cried upon seeing me. ): so anw, nothing wrong w my big intestine. the doctor still couldn't find the cause of my anemia. and ben was my last visitor! haha (: they stayed until 8.30pm and was asked to leave ): and so I went to sleep super early that night! oh ya, the meal there was... all the same for all the meal. but I love the milo w biscuit the most! hehe and the breakfast meal was good too! lucky i only had like total 2-3 meals like that in 4 days!

so next day, sister and baby came and I was allowed to discharge at around 2pm! happy little kid finally can go home! ^^ okay this was like 3 weeks ago? (: and I am going back to hospital tomorrow for small intestine scan and CT scan! seriously hope I won't need to hospitalize because I'm having fyp production on thur&fri! ):

oh so little update on my fyp ^^
passed almost 2 months and so far so good (:
love my magicboi_888 team! by minghan the director, xianming the cameraman, jiayi the producer, caiyun the editor! (:
another 1 and the half month to go! all the way loves!

k that's all.
shall upload photo soon!

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