Friday, November 12, 2010

6 Days of fun

Hi here's my post of the oversea trip!
6days 5nights! At Macau, Zhu Hai, Hongkong and shen zhen!
prepare for a super long wordy post filled w photo w kinda bad quality!

Day 1 - 16th October Saturday

Am a power ranger. because I'm still working in the morning from the previous day morning!
super hardcore can! reached home and slept for like 2hours and started packing my luggage!
hehe thanks tinghui for helping me w the packing! if not i'm gonna gone crazy!

left house at like 3pm and we send tinghui to tinghui before going airport! (:

hehe my super cute daddy ^^

went to fetch David and Ben at T1 and we head to budget terminal (:
Met lingz at there (:

had Mac and shuhui came to find us (:

chilled there, keep checking on update on the flight as we scared that the flight might get cancelled! check in our luggage got our tickets at 5pm! (:

actually we were a little bit of early because our flight was at 7.35pm!
spammed photo like hell! haha

love my new heels ^^

Janis and her boyfriend!

we took photos until we were unaware of the time! supposed to go in at 7.05pm and we realised, it was already 7.10pm!
we seriously rushed like hell! haha
oh anyway baby was really upset and i keep wanna made him tears ^^
so yea, bid goodbye to those who came to send us off (: thanks love!

so supposedly our gate number was 8 but the screen put gate 3!
somemore gate 3 was at the other end. so we ran all the way to gate 3 and realise it was actually at gate8!
panic like fuck and we ran all the way to gate 8!
fucking hell with my heels somemore. I almost died from asthma ._.
Manage to catch up ! ^^

damn budget right
and I sat in between sister and ben ^^
she asshole! every time choose the window seat ):

it was a 4 hours ride ^^

we ordered curry rice and hot milo ^^
this guy went to take cup of ice and pour my milo in!
and we took freaking lots of sugar!
stunner max

and my dear sister, wanna took magazine from my seat and she knocked over my ice milo.
so my table, floor, heels was damn sticky to the max throughout the whole ride!
then we expect the stewardess to take a new cup of milo for us, but no, they came back hell loads of tissue!
and this guy start to doing stunt again! praying hahahaha
had a good laugh man! but still kinda unhappy with the stickness ):

there's was this small kid in front of us and we keep entertain him for the first few hours until we got damn tired and he still super energetic! all of us act one sleepy! haha too lazy to bother about him alr. ^^

landed at Macau at 11.35pm! ^^

totally empty airport!

and because while we landing, we can actually see our hotel !
so we thought it was near, and we decided to walk there since we got lots of free time too!

and yea walking there, see that white bright hotel? it's our hotel.
look near right!

oh and i immediately changed my heels to normal flat since we had to walk!

see! still look very near right!
but I tell you! for 20 minutes, the size of the building still look the same from our view!
i thought im dying from walking alr!
somemore pushing our luggage some more! gosh

and finally after like 30 mins, it really look NEAR to us! no kidding i swear!

and ta-dah! our hotel! Venetian Hotel!

damn beautiful ^^

is damn fucking grand i swear!
and the whole interior of the hotel is a freaking smoking area!

wear to put our luggage at the counter first!
we still got like 12 hours more before checking in our room!
cos we did stunt and not to book room for that night because it's kinda waste of money!

walked around and explode the hotel! ^^

and there's a freaking big casino in there! damn happy ^^

went to have supper at this restaurant called Red Dragon Noodles (:
we had ramen and fried rice! fucking awesome I swear !
oops no pic of food ^^

head to Casino after that and we spend like 3-4 hours!
damn addictive I swear!
ben and I won like 500hk !
and it was super funny playing w ben and lin! haha

went to this pub/bar/cafe and we ordered some drink!
freaking expensive but we seriously wanna sit down and that's the only place that's still opening!

this cost going s$10! haha
ben order mango juice and ling order ice lemon tea!

rest a little while and we head out !
it was bright at 6am alr!
tired and we went super high! ^^

and this huge patch of grass made us crazy!

took hell loads of photo spending like 1 hour outside and we decided to head back (:
went to shopper area and we sat at the staircase
and fucking started worrying about money issue!
ohmygod I was stress to the fucking max because of some thing!
but since it passed alr, so i shall not say at here anymore!
totally hopeless, lost and screwed. oh wells

it was like 9am by then, and i was totally shag..

went to play Casino for a little more while and we head to this restaurant for breakfast!
had some dim sum, porridge, fried rice and it was good ^^

I just fell asleep after eating at there ._.
head to starbuck wanted to make us awake
but the moment we step in and sit down, lingz and janis fell asleep at there!
ordered some drinks, stone, walked around, stone there again.
and it was finally fucking 1pm! and we could check in!

fucking excited can!
and the person upgrade our room to a bigger suite! even more awesome!
hehe Venetian Hotel Royal suite!

so excited seeing our room! high max uh!
some photos of our room here ^^

here's the bathroom!

the living room
the bed room!
and one small room with those iron board and everything.
the plasma tv in front of the bed!
the fucking shiok bathtub!

there's super long mirror and two basin and with a lots of necessities beside it^^

fucking shiok and we live at 22th floor!

Day 2

bathed, and all of us went to sleep for like 3hours?
woke up, prepared and all of us took a cab to the city of Macau to have a walk.
by then, it was already dark ): kinda wasted uh!

had dinner at some random shop.
the food was alright and I didn't eat much because i was still bloody sick ):

nothing much. just walked around, took photos, eating snack ^^

went to this famous shop and wanna tried the egg tart!
but too bad, it was all sold out. i was super upset almost depression ._.

haha psychic face!

there's a lot of beautiful place over there (:

"Dr. Chio"

took a cab back to Venetian hotel at around 10pm plus.

and ben did stunt at lift lobby!

there's like fucking lots of photo of his jumping shot! haha

our door ^^
our plan was to go back hotel, put down stuff, wash up, and head to the casino!
but everyone was too tired and all fallen asleep!
lin and me was the survivor! haha
we do stunt, laughed like hell and I almost died from asthma attack! hahaa
head to sleep at like 2am ^^

day 3

woke up at like 9am?
we were so behind our plan ):
rushed, prepared and went to catch the bus to Zhuhai custom!

on the bus (:

reached Zhu hai at like 1pm ?

and we went to this hotel to have breakfast+lunch!
we were kinda crazy and we ordered like 15 dishes?
Almost died from eating
and some unpleasant things happened which of course I am not going say here. hee

stupid houseflies at our fish.
and we cleared our food to this amount. haha hardcore right!

ben did stunt putting pigeon head, fish head and chicken head together!
haha oh anw the pigeon meat is awesome ^^
and despite the amount of food we ordered, each of us paid like only s$10+! awesome or what ^^

started shopping around !
cheap price, good stuff ! super happy kid ^^
this is only less than an hour and these plastic bag belong to ben!
he is super hardcore when come to shopping! power than me! haha

shopped for like 5hours?
and this is the result for ben!

seriously, I didn't buy a lot! kinda regret you know! urgh ):

went to their popular lover beach at there (:
and halfway there, we saw this super cute monkey!

I think he like ben a lot because the monkey keep hump him! haha!

and end up his shirt got the monkey shit! haha
bought some snack along the way (:

haha the beach is damn cooling and freaking nice to chill! ^^

chilled for awhile and we decided to head back!

this is sister and my buying (:
curious to know what ben's big plastic bag contain?
here's all the stuff!
most of it are girl stuff ok!
he bought damn a lot of thing for his mum! haha

this is Janis' buying!
she bought a lot of nice bag!
damn sad I didn't buy ):
packed, changed and we all dress up to clubbing wear!
there's pub+club over there!

all of us were damn happy until we reach there, there's not even a single soul!
and the song was like ...
super disappointed but still, we decided to chill out at there since we were already dressed.

they served us this jelly thingy! and we only can use our mouth to suck it out!
haha damn wrong but it taste great (:
and we were the only customer and they served us till damn goood!
fucking awesome can!
ben ordered a bottle of Heineken, lingz and janis ordered a jug of cranberry juice and lin ordered a hot chocolate!

This is good but still not the best that I have tried before.

damn wasted dressing up for nothing! haha

went to casino played a while. i always regret for not stopping when I win money ):
but well, lucky I didn't lose a lot!
Last night at casino and staying in the freaking grand hotel! upset ):

wanted to stay up, but we were too tired and all knock out ):
wanted to wake up super early to go swimming at their pool but we couldn't make it!
fucking regret! because their pool was damn grand and missed the chance to try it! ):

I was the last to wake up and this is my punishment! haha
say good bye to our awesome room! ):

we were supposed to catch 1.00pm ferry ride to hongkong!
but all of us oversleep and we missed it!
fucking panic and thank goodness we can change our timing to 1.30pm without paying any extra charges!

at ferry terminal! (:

happily boarding the ferry to Hongkong ^^

changed our seat to window seat after the ferry moved :)

super happy this ferry got sell snacks and drinks!

and I got myself prawn crackers (:
Ben and my Iphone4! ^^
fucking regret that I didn't buy a new iphone4 cover at there!
is fucking pretty ok! ):

reached hongkong at 3pm! (:

separate and took a cab to our hotel, Largos Hotel!

ok actually I did not have any high expectation!
I put my expectation to super duper low!
know why, see

our hotel room!
fucking small I swear!
is the same size as our venetian hotel room BATHROOM SIZE!
can you imagine!?

ohmygod, and we all started missing our Venetian hotel room so badly TT
seriously small and our luggage have such a limited space to put and we had a hard time walking around ok!
at venetian hotel, we can jump, run, do stunt over there! see the difference!

unpacked some stuff and we head out to walk around!
lucky my sick get a little better at hongkong !
haha am I still can't imagine I am at hongkong!
because it was super last minute planning! haha

had lunch at some random cafe/teahouse (:

haha we were doing the same action!

she had seafood hor fan
ben had chicken rice
sister and I had beef cheese baked rice!

and lingz had pork chop rice! (:

yummy but I couldn't finish it!
walked around after that and we went to the lady street.
kinda disappointed as it was not what I expected.
thing is still consider expensive compared to Zhu hai.
so I didn't get anything at all!

went to a dessert shop and we had all the mango dessert!
totally win singapore one!

this is durian pudding! (yuck, i hate it)

hehe all our mango desserts ^^

happy kid yo ^^
basically we were just walking around, checking things out, buying snacks after snacks
watching street performance, stonning and etc ^^

the street performance

some ice cream car ^^

and we went to mac to steal tissue to use at toilet!
you know, there's totally no tissue at all at hongkong! damn headach uh!

haha ben trying to charm some girl behind us!
the way he act and speak fucking funny! haha

went for massage at some random shop.
I'm totally unhappy with my the girl who help me to massage.
waste my money can! she totally didn't put in any effort and it's more like she touching my skin than massaging! angry can!
they all had a good master helping them to massage and I am not enjoying it at all! ):
ohmygod so angry that I wanna just ask her get another master please!
urgh seriously a very unpleasant experience! ):

head to a random teahouse again for our supper!

haha I can't stop laughing!
naturally when they said champagne milktea, you will think of champagne mixed together w milk tea right?
but this is just copying the way of how champagne is being served and used on serving milktea!
cheat money can!
and the milktea doesn't taste that awesome than those normal typical milk tea! haha

the champagne milktea is ordered by ben! hahaha nice!

beef maggie!
mine is ham and abalone maggie!
look simple but taste great that I seriously had not enough!

lin had toast! super nice ^^
after the supper, we had a really unpleasant experience that you didn't want to have a second time. I'm lazy to explain out the details. basically it's all five of us having some ghostly experience! fucking creepy after coming to think of it. don't wanna say much but it took us 2-3 hours to get back to our hotel. ohmygod. my hair gonna stand after writing this. k shall stop.
but afterall, we thought it was kinda fun ! ok weird! haha

head to bed at like almost going 6am!


woke up at like 8am? second earliest to wake up! ^^
now I understand yilin for being the earliest to wake up!
because you will get bored waiting for everyone to get ready! haha

yiling so pretty over here ^^

outside our hotel !
super creepy at night! haha

so that day, we head to shenzhen !

45 mins ride!

reached at like 1pm?

had breakfast + lunch at this cafe!

the food is gooooood!
and then we made our way to the shopping area!

their train ticket super cute uh!

reached and at first, i was kinda disappointed with it!
cos we were at the shopping area where the price is super high!
so end up we walked separately and ben, sister and I manage to find some super cheap deal!
shopped till damn happy uh!
but still didn't buy as much as Ben!
He seriously buy fucking lots clothes uh! awesome.

went to do manicure and pedicure!
first experience but till now, I still fucking regret!
they seriously mind fuck us uh.
here's the result !
so ugly -.-

here part of our shopping bag! haha
met up with janis and ling.
bought some small snacks and we totally didn't realise the last train's timing back to hongkong.
when we realise, it was already 10.45pm and our last train is at 11pm!
ohmygod! seriously we just ran all the way can! mad tiring! with all our shopping bags some more!
we were so lucky that once we stepped into the train, the door closed!
can't imagine if we really missed the train uh!

back to hotel and we were mad hungry.
and we were like typical hongkong people, making supper at 7-11!
haha must-do-list at hongkong! (:

cooking cup noodles!
their cup noodles seriously fucking nice!
we bought over 10 packets back to singapore! haha

hehehe something that we really missed it! ^^

back to hotel and yea, something we dread doing.
packed our luggage. ):
with such a small room, 5 people amount of shopping bags and luggage.
seriously had a hard time packed everything!
seeeee, how messy is it!

managed to finish everything at around 4am? and head to bed!

Day 6

woke up kinda late! ):
rushed wash up, and last pack up!
so angry because we wanted to catch the breakfast buffet but all couldn't manage to wake up! ):

cute sister haha

put all our luggage at the lobby and we head out.

rushed to ladies street because we wanted to get another luggage to put all our shopping stuff!

manage to do some last minute shopping!
hehe our new luggage! didn't manage to find a really cheap deal because we were all rushing for time!

cabbed back hotel after that to collect our luggage

and cabbed to ferry terminal!
bye hongkongggg!

reached ferry terminal !
because we were in separate cab and there was miscommunication!
end up janis and ling head to the wrong terminal!
seriously panic like hell because we were about to miss our ferry!
again, another rushing and running! goshhhh

but again, we were lucky to catch the ferry with the help of the staff before the ferry went off!

this time, our ferry didn't sell any snacks or water! ):
hungry and thirsty like hell!
thanks that ben and sister did went to buy some bread while waiting for the girls to reach our ferry terminal!

hahaha breadddd!
super dirty waterrrr
the ferry that we took back macau!

reached macau after like 45 minutes!

took the transport back to venetian hotel!
ohmygod missed venetian hotel so much after having to squeeze in the small hongkong room!

went to their food court to have our late late breakfast+lunch!
super funny that ben sister and I used our last 50 macau dollars to gamble!
and we manage to win back 200 macau dollars for our lunch! hehehe ^^
okay I didn't use the money because I rushed to buy my food and forget to take. haa

after our lunch, we took the transport to airport!
our flight was at 8.35pm! and we reached at 5pm?
was kinda worried that our flight might delay or cancelled because of the typhoon!
slacked outside the airport while waiting for check in.

hehe last group photo before we left!
still can see the venetian hotel behind us! hehe

okay. our flight delayed for like 30 minutes and finally we get to board the plane!
Ben was feeling unwell and he slept straight away once he sat down!

heading back was really boring because both of them just slept all the way ):
and the plane was really unstable to the max thanks to the coming typhoon!
only left a bit of singapore money and I only could get a bottle of water and an apple juice!

reached singapore at like 1am?
bought a bottle of benedictine dom for my mum and a bottle of baileys for myself! hehe
baby and Arif were at the airport waiting for us!
janis and lingz left first.
and the rest of us stayed at there telling all the story at there! haha especially the creepy ones!

head to Arif's house to put our luggage and we went to simpang to have our supper!
shuhui came to find us to give us surprise!! thanks babe!

went back to Arif's house to re arrange our luggage with ben and sister!
and cabbed back home!

ok that's pretty sum up the trip!
I guess I cut short a lot uh!
Really enjoyed hell a lot, the great staying experience at Venetian hotel, the great shopping trips, the time spend at casino, etc
all the fun and laughter and hanging together w ben and sister was really great uh!
though there was some unhappiness but I guess let's not mind those and most importantly we have fun kkkkkk (:
Thanks sister, ben, ling and janis for the trip and the fun we have! (:


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