Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Luck is all I needed now

19th July 2010, Monday

Ok first day of SIP. I got no company and I'm attached to G60 at school.
Went to meet Gail for a short briefing and off to Marina Bay Sand to find sister. (:
Met Matt, Hao, baby and Shuhui at The Cathay.
Wanted to catch Inception but failed >: all fully booked!
So head to PS > Kfc > Mac and home sweet home! ^^

20th July 2010, Tuesday

Went for meeting with the G60 boss. lasted for like 45 minutes and went off.
Only left w like 4 people. Sigh. >:
head to City Square mall to meet baby and layyen! sister joined us soon after that.
Subway for dinner ! great catch up yo. hehz
using my dad's old phone that day. And I almost died from using it! >:

love my girls ^^

did a little bit of shopping and back home! (:

21th July 2010, Wednesday

So it's the day of the month again!
Happy 16th Months Sng Jiajun!
You must be so damn happy that we could still celebrate our 16th months right.
Perhaps this might be the worst month ever because we reached the stage that I'm on the verge of breaking up. I had lost what was supposed to be in me. Thank god that I didn't give up straight right away. One week. I used one week to find back everything. So yeps, we are all good now. But I still hope things won't start happening all over again. I don't know how long this sweetness would last till. But till then, I will appreciate all the love and care from you. Heart you, B.

And this is what he had done for me during that one week of silence.
Ok, I have expected already. So it's not a surprise to me at all.
But still, I really love it a lot! (:
Thank you baby!
Love your passion, patience and love! ♥
and all your expression just make me smile madly to myself! :D teehee

So I had my SIP in the day and it almost killed me!
because only left with yj and me and there's nothing for us to do as we heard that we might not be able to continue working at there. That's totally took away my motivation so I just stone all the way. >:

Head down to Np to meet baby! :>
Had Island Creamery! best icecream cake ^^

head to this new outlet and it is a beautiful place! (:

and next, we went to bukit timah food centre to have bbq food !
Sambal sotong, bbq stingray and kang kong! :D
instead of heading to restaurant to celebrate, we had it here!
because it's our favourite yea (:

love love ^^

sweet and simple! :D
and baby send me back home after that! ^^
a little heart to heart talk and it was awesome! haha
Thank baby for the icecream treat and the photo!
I shall upload the photo that I did for him here some other time too!

22th July 2010, Thursday

Head to school and realise that we are no longer working w the school company anymore.
super duper upset to the max!
Had a few talk w the lecturers and yea, no point staying and we were asked to go home. >:
so decided to head to NP to find baby!

basically did nothing and just stonned all the way!
glad that got baby's lappy and my itouch to entertain me ^^
Oh and shuhui came to NP to find us too !
accompanied baby to do his fyp thingy and left only at around 9pm.
baby went back home and we head down to cityhall and meet sister for dinner ^^
new addiction. korean bbq pork! haha
pretty crazy over it these few weeks!

23th July 2010, Friday

Stone at home and knowing that baby was coming to my house.
I went to cook fried mushroom marconi !
Cooked a really big portion and thought that there's gonna be leftover.
End up baby reached and he ate 3 big bowl of it! and none left.
Nice yea. Mummy found out there's no leftover and kinda unhappy and I'm kinda angry and I went mood swing w baby. hahaha ok kinda stupid so talked to him peacefully soon after that.

Head to Marina square to have a triple date w wanling and her bf, and sister and tinghui ! :D
photo-taking again on bus ^^ blink blink

hehz. Action city > played soccer w baby > I lost > met wanling > head to suntec > met tinghui > back to marina square > bought movie tickets > Old cow and tender grass @ 9.10pm > Kfc

super love lip gloss null colour! belong to tinghui!
damn I'm so gonna get it for myself when I got the money ! haha

wangling's super cute face ! haha

wanling's bf reached and we head for the movie!
haha super interesting and humorous at some parts. (:
If you are interested in taxi driver's life, watch it! haha

went to raffles city mac and baby head back home!
chatted and we forgot the timing!
and I freaking missed my last bus and I had to take cab! super upset >:

Ok that it for the day.
Let's meet up soon girls !
shall have more of this kinda type of outing ok!

Shall update my weekends soon ok.
Hope I'm not going to drag it like one week after again. teeheez
And I'm still haven't got into any company! >:
sigh. still looking, finding and waiting.
let's all wish me good luck alrighty!
and also, all the best to all the interns out there ^^

Good night.

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