Saturday, May 22, 2010

It is never easy.

Wednesday & Thursday

It was my production day like finally.
i totally got no confident at all.
sigh sigh. i really don't know what to say.
I don't think I'm doing good at all.
but still, thanks lololololol productions yea!
and thanks my dear sweetie lim ting hui!
thanks for the help! you did a very good job!
i shall treat you to a good good dinner alright ! (:

and thanks Aden gor for letting me to use your house! (:
let's catch up soon alright! you got lots to update me about your life (:
misses !

and thanks baby for helping me too.
thanks for helping me running here and there getting stuff.
and i'm still very sorry for shouting at you that day.
I know I should not shout at you no matter what, but I was really too stressed up and many things cropped up. It was bad. I'm really sorry ):
You are really great and you never complain at all. Thank you very much my dear.

And thank you, my dad.
He was the one driving me, my production team and my cast around to our location with all those bulky equipment and back to our house in the late night.
I know you don't really like doing all these and we have been arguing a lot due to all these trouble. but still, thank you daddy!

Still got a few more scenes left to film and I haven't even start editing.
I'm really dread of production and everything else.
I guess I still not suitable to fit into this industry.
This is just not my thing.
and I'm so not looking forward to SIP seriously.
I don't even bother to email my SIP preferences.
just let fate decide. I'm gonna fuck care yea.

ok some of the photo taken on Thursday (:

love my babyboy (:

my sweetie (:

20th May 2010

we didn't really celebrate your birthday, but having a great awesome dinner celebrating your friend's birthday instead at Shangri la hotel.
I know you still enjoy a lot because i can see you smiling so happily ! (:

Ok so right after my production, we went straight home to wash up and prepare for the dinner(:

buffet at Shangri la hotel.
it was awesome.
I can just die seeing all those food in front of me!

It was ahheng uncle's birthday and he invited more than 30 people to the dinner!
it cost $100+/per pax but I don't think I have eaten up to that amount worth of food. haha

ohmygod I seriously love this type of buffet to the max ! (:
kkkk typical singaporean! :D

Brother and Sisters (:

and this whole shelves of dessert drive me crazy!
Chocolate make me an excited kid ! :D
haha ok I should have save more space of my stomach for this dessert !
so regret for not eating more of the dessert especially creme burlee! ):

my whole family! loves loves loves !

my cute daddy! (L)

my cute parents. haha

this is my cousin Ah be ! haha

my dear mummy ! (L)

ok didn't take more photos because my camera was out of battery.
missed a lot of the happening stuff going on. ): roar):
shall get from my cousin camera if possible! haha

so stayed until around 10pm plus and home sweet home!
passed daddy the birthday present! haha it is a wallet and a birthday card!
seriously hope he love it man! (:
the whole family gathered in his room and we chatted for so long.
it was great. I miss this type of talking session!
have not been talking together as a whole family for so long.
loves loves (:

Happy birthday daddy once again!
Thanks for being a great great great father!
Doting on us and always satisfy our satisfaction!
Although we always agrue and whatsoever, but i still love you the most (:
You always get worried for us when we didn't get enough sleep, didn't have a proper meal, get sick and moreeee.
You always secretly give us money behind mummy's back when we have no enough money to use.
And you always think of us no matter what situation!
You help me in so many ways when I'm in trouble.
And you give me a lot of encouragement and console me when I failed my TP.
You even find ways to help me and my boyfriend get our relationship back to track when you know i'm not having a good term with my boyfriend.
You give me advice to make my love relationship better.
I can talk to you so easily without any wall in between us.
I love you daddy! you are the best daddy ever! ♥

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