Friday, May 28, 2010

23th May 2010, Sunday

Trip to Universal Studio with Baby and his family! (:
Met them early in the morning at Harbor Front and hop on to their car and head off to Universal Studio!
Up till now, I still don't know who pay for my ticket! stupid baby refuse to tell me!
but still thanks anyway!

And baby is so much more excited than me!

and here we are at, Universal Studio !

the weather is freaking humid and hotttttt!
so regret for not bring along any cap or sunglasses!

and my camera is standby on my hand and I just keep on taking photo!
haha so some of the shots is quite messy yea. haha

head to Waterfront as there's a briefing!
actually is May Bank Family day.
As baby's brother is working at there, that's why we have the chance to go there! (:

pass by hollywood

pass by Madagascar

pass by Far Far away

and we reach the lost world

and we reached Waterfront

there's like 3k people? haha I don't know.

short briefing to everyone and we left! (:

hehe so many many many people!

We walked back to The Lost World again and I had my breakfast over there (:
Ate at Fossil Fuels cafe and had a chili hotdog meal! (:
they passed me a $10 food voucher and thus I don't have to pay at all ! Thank you!
And I feel so bad that they have to wait for me to finish up my food and continue the walk!

explore around after eating and I just feel so excited seeing all the roller coaster!

reached Ancient Egypt and I'm so amazed by everything!
the concept the design and everything is damn good! (Y)

There's one attractions and all of us quickly went for it!
but none of us know that it would be a thrilling roller coaster! Best part ever!
went to locker to put all our stuff and we head off!
it was super dark inside and I can barely see anything.
and we had to walk a super duper freaking long path in order to reach the ride!
so ya, I'm scare can can can?
holding super tight to baby and he keep trying to scare me!

reach the location, watch the LCD Tv and we realise that it's like a roller coaster!
sat at the first row and the ride started.
every where was so dark, we don't even know when will it move forward, backward, up the slope, down the slope and whatever.
Further more, there's a lot mummies, skeleton, bugs and all sort of freaking stuff inside.
(anytway the ride is called Revenge of the Mummy)
I was closing my eyes, covering my ear all the way!
I don't even dare to look at the surrounding!
but despite all those freaking things, the rides is still awesome!
super thrilling and I love it to the max! (:
there's a lot of steep slope and there's a lot of twist. You thought the ride have ended but actually no. That's the fun part (:

After the ride, baby's parents bought the photo! :D
super cute man! baby and I had the same action as his parents! (Y)
We are at the first two rows (:

walk around after that and the weather seriously kill .

there's a lot of make up characters walking around, allowing people to take photo with them (:

photos and more photos

hehe the sandcastle !

baby jumping shot with his fat tummy (:

jiabin and jiajun ! haha

After leaving Ancient Egypt, we reached Sci-Fi City!
and this is the place where the best roller coaster located at!
but it was not yet opened ! sad to the max ! ):

the shop over there ! super cool
each place have their own theme own design (:

over here, everything is very high-tech !

as the roller-coaster still not yet open, thus we didn't stay there for long!

head to New York next !
Best !
I could totally feel that I'm in New york thanks to the building, atmosphere and design over there !

we rested here for a little while as it's an air-conditioned place ! (:

simply love everything over there ! :D

doing stunt again !

and just nice, it was the performance time and we manage to catch the show ! (:

Head down to Hollywood
went in to this restaurants called Hollywood China Bistro to have our lunch
but the waiting time was 45 minutes
thus we decided to come back again later.

So in the meanwhile, We walked back to New York and went in to one of their attractions which is "Lights, Camera, Action! Hosted by Steven Splelberg "

We just went to queue blindly without knowing what is it about(:

Went in a room and there was a talk through a tv screen by Steven Splelberg introducing about special effect and everything that can make in studio.

then we move on to this studio when we get to experience a major hurricane that was about to hit New York City right before our eyes!
Interesting and it was so real !
I could totally feel the impact ! awesome (:
but got a fright toward the end when our floor suddenly drop down a bit !

walked all the way to Far Far away to catch Shrek 4-D Adventure!

and not forget crazily taking photos all the way (:

beautiful sky that seem so fake (:

cute sentence! " Do not feed the foosa"
They have a lot of this type of cute slogan around !

Madagascar's food stall ! :D

I like the Hut shelter (:

and the merry go round (which baby like to say as ferris wheel HAHA )

queuing up for 4d shrek !

inside a big big big room watching a short animation and some real-life show while waiting(:

this covered 3/4 of my eyes ! hahaha

all of them very focus watching it!

this is the show!
the gingerbread man super cute ! haha

and here we are sitting inside excitedly waiting for it to start!
see, hear and FEEL the action right from our seat ! joining Princess Fiona & Shrek in a fairytale adventure!

and I really not the feeling of wearing the 3d glass!
making me feel so uncomfortable throughout the whole show and a bad headach ! ):
but 4d is like a great new experience! rocking & moving of the chair, splashing water, blowing of wind in your neck and so on!
fun and scream at one part which is kinda gross ! haha

after that, we head back to Hollywood again to have our lunch !

baby trying hard to pose with the tea cup but failed badly.

i love restaurant with beautiful utensils !

and we ordered 3 dim sum dishes(not in the photos), baby cabbage, satay, roasted chicken, noodles and fried rice! super delicious!
total bill was $140++ and we had $90 food voucher to pay it!
thank you so much for the treat ! :D

and this kungfu panda make me damn excited!
freaking fat and cuteeee!

head to waterworld for performance show !
this is where we witness death-defying stunts, awesome explosions and thrills at this "live" water show!

and the people who sat the first few rows get themselves all wet! haha
luckily we sat far away !

leave and we wonder around.
end up decided to go sit Enchanted Airway before baby's family left!
20 minutes of waiting!

younger brother and older brother haha

baby's favourite face expression !

his super fat tummyyyy!

the freaking cute gingerbread man !

and with baby posing with it !

not that thrilling as what i expected but still enjoy it! (:

haha went to souvenir's shop to buy some snacks before sending baby's family to the entrance.
bid goodbye and we continue exploring around.
and i thought that left with only both of us would be bored but no!
baby and I just keep doing stunt all the way! thank yea!

went to sit merry-go-round ( once again baby, this is not ferris wheel ok) haha

and i purposely chose the highest ride !

baby is on an old lady ! haha

and I'm on a penguin!

hehe success shot of taking together!

and we tried very hard to take photo together when our ride reach the same height ! haha
that's explain our big big smile because we were damn high ! haha

and because I chose the highest ride, I had a difficulties getting down the ride!
baby just stand in front of me, taking video of me getting down and laughed non-stop!
damn mean can can can! didn't even come help me down! rarrrrrr

went to buy this candy floss for freaking $6.50!
haha but this super big candy floss accompany us throughout a 45 mins waiting time for a ride!

baby just happily eating in a V - E - R - Y F - A - S -T speed !

haha look at the long long queue in front of us !

see, doing stunts again with the candy floss !
he is so mean by using candy floss to bully his own girlfriend ! haha

haha keep eating and don't let me eat !
and he keep use his freaking sticky finger to touch my hair! o-h-m-y-g-o-d

haha after doing so many stunts, we finished our candy floss in 30 mins ! (Y)
and my throat got super dry and thirsty after that and I was asking for water so badly!

a few shots of us before our turn !

we always have the same face expression man !

and we really look very alike in this photo !

didn't get a front seat ! ):
and the ride was so fast!
a normal roller coaster with no much of ups and downs! ):

after getting down, we immediately went to get a bottle of water!
walked around and seriously, the weather is damn hot !
ok but, best to take photos! (Y)

thanks baby for helping me to carry my heavy bag for the whole day! (:

the sandcastle inside is actually where you watch the shrek 4-D !

when will this roller coaster open ! ):

there was nothing much left to play and I suggest to play Revenge Of The Mummy once again !
ok I'm still very scare of the surrounding and I still close my eyes to play ! haha
baby just opened his eyes big big and observe the surrounding while in the ride. power.
and he come explaining to me about the whole surrounding after the ride ! haha

ok so after that, we went to Sci-Fi City again to play one of the ride which is Accelerator.

haha my messy hair!

you get to control our own speed by turning a thing in the center!
baby just crazily turned it until so fast that i feel so giddy after that ! thank to you hur!

that's the thing that he is turning !

epic face.

Color correction (;

explore around New York and Hollywood.
there's a lot of interesting thing in there (:

a very beautiful spot ( :

a shorter version of baby!

we slack at this spot and rest! (:

totally same face expression. (Y)

one of the ride we took early on!

this is actually the telescopes and it look like Wall-E ! haha!

it just 10cents for 10 minutes!
and sooo we played it!
we took turn and watch for 5 mins !
and i'm easily amazed by this type of things (:

haha i totally don't have to bend at all to look in
and baby have to bend so much !
should I be sad of my height? hahaha

left around that and continue exploring !

this cafe is damn retro !
went to buy chocolate milkshake at here

really feel like dining in here !
but the food is too expensive ):

there's a performance outside the cafe (:
watched awhile and we went off (:

very yummy milkshake (:

went to buy chocolate for our family before we leave the whole place ):

a cute popcorn cart !

at the entrance packing the bag before exiting. snifffff *

baby said we haven't had a kiss photo yet and thus we decided to do super fast one.
this is like less than a second and i manage to catch it ! hahahaha! thank me baby kkkk !

super sad that we got to leave alr!
two rides did not open, one ride coming soon.
Ok i shall come again when ALL THE RIDES is opened!

and baby said he wanna took photo with this
so here we go !


you see, trying real hard..

and only a success one when baby is holding the camera.
ok go ahead and laugh at my height.


haha finally give up and we left!
wonder around at the resort world ! haha

look at this HUGE TOILET SIGNBOARD. hahaha
couldn't stop laughing at this.

Hi baby next time take me don't so centralizes kk!

haha finally an acceptable one! (:



the long long queue to take the tram back to vivo city !

haha doing stunt again !

head to vivo city and we went walking around.
baby suggested to go Guess to check out my wallet design!
and I finally picked a design and baby bought it for me!
thank for the super belated anniversary present hur ! (:
Thank you baby! (L)
I will TRY my best to take good care of the wallet kkk ! haha

went to skypark slacked and we saw this snail beside me. okay randomzx

last photo before going back home!

baby send me back home and we had dinner over at my house ! haha

hehe this is the design! simple, black and I like! haha

Okay that's all !
I really enjoy it to the max.
Thanks for inviting me, thanks for the treating!
Thanks baby for doing so many stunts entertaining me!
love love love!

but the most regret thing is, I DIDN'T BRING LOMO CAM OUT! ):
damn wasted!
I'm sure that I am going back again to take all the rides again and take photo!

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