Friday, June 20, 2014

hey, it's June already and I thought maybe I should really take some time out to update this little space. update what happened for the past half year and so I could look back next time. Not able to blog constantly is really one of my biggest regret.

too much to catch up that I don't know where to start. so well firstly my job, currently working at MBS casino as cage cashier. Probably my first time working in such a big company, and just alone my department there's already 200 plus of colleague to work with and I'm like the youngest over there. Can't comment much over here but I can say the first thing I got deal with is people questioning you for working there, wasting my time and studies and so on. I definitely don't think its a waste of time because I can learn so much thing over there, is like you are learning new things over single day and I love learning new stuff, I love challenging job I love what I could learn over there. It's something you probably couldn't learn outside. I'm still young and I still need to gain a lot of experiences. And this is the place I could gain lots of knowledge and so on. Facing all types of people from all around the world, dealing with different type of customer, handling different type of job scope. And sometimes, I regret for wasting so much time and not coming in earlier. (I have actually applied for this position but withdraw later on due to some issue). Many asked why didn't I join other department as the pay is higher but I guess I should take baby step first, gain some knowledge and then explore other area. I don't deem any job as low-class job or whatever, what really matter is, you gain knowledge, you gain experience, and you learn something new. I'm 7 months into this job, and never once, I dread of going to work. But still, sometimes I don't feel very happy ohwell.. And also, getting used to the grave shift, having to rush for every single thing and not able to use phone at all. but overall, so far so good, just got to be very positive.

Next, Relationship, which I have blogged a little bit before. Yes, we almost broke up on the start of 2014. too much miscommunication, too much misunderstanding, too much doubts and so on. Just pretty sad that the boy didn't choose to clarify first but choose the easy way out by breaking up. But sometimes I really don't know is that a good thing or not, because honestly, our relationship is so much better now. But yet, it still kill me whenever I think back of it. Sometime it just make me doubtful of the future, because when there's first time, it mean there will be second time.. I'm sorry boy, even how much you ensure me, it still hard for me to recover. It's the pain that I went through kill me deep inside. I don't blame you boy, I'm the one who destroy this relationship from the start, pushing you to the edge and allow all these to happen. oh well, enough of all the depressing stuff. The important is, I'm glad that I went all the way down to find him the very next day to solve it out despite everyone asking me not to and give him sometimes to think about it. I understand him too much, if the longer we drag, he will have more negative thoughts and would drift even further. Though it took quite some time for us to be fully ok, our r/s turn for the better. We manage to celebrate CNY together, celebrate Valentine day, our fifth year anniversary, his 24th birthday, and so on. We still did had some nasty quarrel but is all cool now (hopefully) The boy is now in UK for 5 weeks (that's explained why I am so free to update haha) And this would be a mini test for this r/s. 2 weeks had passed already and I'm missing him so terribly. I'm glad working make time pass so much faster, just that when off day come, it get a little bit harder. Just hope the boy would be back safe and sound. And we would be heading to Korea in August. omggggg I can't wait for it! Even though we have been together for so long, but this is only the second oversea trip we have (by plane). And, I made him a 39 pages book for him to bring overseas, and he made 39 cards, hide all around my room, and having me to find one day by day. (although a bit fail because I manage to find out even before he fly hahahaha) But thanks baby, for the sweet effort! I really appreciate it a lot and it become my daily motivation. Looking forward to end work, rush home and find that little card out and it really make my day so much better :) It seem like the day I stand at the airport, watching you to come out from the gate take forever to come. 15 July, please come faster. missing my boy so much that I feel so lost and I don't know what else to do to deal with it.

Sister is right now in Aust, buttttt she's coming back tomorrow! Finally I would not be so bored already. Brother just enlist, sister in Aust and boyfriend in UK. Everyday I'm like wake up, go work, go home, eat, sleep and on repeat. But good that, sister is enjoying right now as she just went through a shit break up. I could totally feel you sister sigh :( Guess she's recovering well now yea? She's such a sweet darling, accompany me to work ever day when I'm working grave shift, or come pick me up from work when I'm working swing shift. It just so damn sweet and I'm so touched :') probably it's one of the way that we could spend more time together as our work schedule forever crashing ): Just hope I can see my sister return to her old happy-go-lucky and extremely cheerful girl! :)
And also, I'm so damn worry for my brother in army. As he is more introvert, I'm so afraid that he couldn't handle the army life. Hope everything would be good and he wouldn't be "mark" till so badly.
Another sweetheart of mine, ever since he got his driving license, he would drive me to work every single day. Then in return, I would always bake his favourite cheese cake for him, make some dessert and seeing him eating it till so precious :')

Another big change this year is, I finally cut my long hair of 4 years away. Ok, I thought it would be so much convenience but nah, I have to blow and make my hair everyday oh gosh so time consuming. But then, I'm so in love with it. hah love-hate relationship again.

ok that's all for now. time for bed he he he

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