Friday, January 11, 2013

December updates

Since I'm free and from what I can remember, I shall do an update for December :D 

1st Dec, Cousin Wedding 

woke up super early at 7am and head over to cousin's house for the morning tea ceremony!

 handsome cousin and pretty bride! :D

serving tea to his parents

and then my parents and a few others which I'm lazy to post the photos haha

the groom family :D 

and with my family but brother not here

with the whole relatives! :D

had catered buffet after that and played a few round of mahjong haha! head home at around 1pm! was so dead tired and we slept all the way to 4pm! way over time ): daddy gave us money and we went to salon to wash our hair! hehe so love!

anyway there was some misunderstanding and super screwed up! boyfriend only got to confirm going till the very last minute! took a cab to hilton hotel where the wedding dinner will be at as daddy's car is full already ):

heh heh my pretty mum! :D

ah be, my third cousin!

and they had this very cute photobooth at the reception area!

with sister and the pretty bride and handsome groom!

oh anyway, boyfriend was seated far far away from me! dad, mum and bro got to sit at the vip table! and sister and I were seated w my relatives. and the whole dinner, sister and I were trying so hard to entertain ourselves ha ha ha and we keep running away!

anyway the food was so so only! ): so different from the one we tried on boyfriend's brother wedding dinner! end the dinner at around 11pm and off to meet the tp guys! and then meet the 2 bens for some singing session! :3 

I guess this is on 14th dec? Celebrating boyfriend's mother birthday!

requested for early released from work so to able to join for the dinner! boyfriend's parents offered to come to my workplace and fetched me to the dinner! super touched! hehe if not if i travel down myself, I would already miss the dinner man! haha 

so we had the birthday dinner at Lot1 paradise dynasty! super upset when I know that outlet doesn't offer truffle xiao long bao! ): and in fact they only have four different flavours whereas the Ion one have 12 flavours! ): 

my favourite dish, minced meat and mushroom lamian!

hehe JJ's niece! super cute! aw

happy birthday auntie! :D

after everything, we went down to meet the fishing gang for some fishing again! this time round, we went to the changi one!

head home at 3am plus because I had work the next day ):

15th Dec , plenty of events to attend! ):

and super regret that I didn't arrange my schedule properly and end up had to work on this day! ):
parents came to my workplace and picked us up at 5pm and head over to cck to pick up my sister! then drove all the way to punggol for cousin's house warming!

omg their house decoration is super pretty! didn't take much photo of it ): they are so creative and I'm so amazed by every design! cough cough hint jiajun I want something like that in the future k :3

only manage to take photo w the cousin's wife! haha 
 had buffet and we immediately went off to the next place! 

which is Shuning's 21st birthday at east coast park! oh oh oh and my ex work boss and family were over there too! mad awkward ha ha ha

pretty cake! :3

 happy birthday shuning! nice knowing you and hope you love what we give you even though it was just a small gift! ^^ love you pretty babe! miss the times when we were still working together at petit bowl!

at around 10pm plus,we head to marina mandarin for matt's birthday!

hahaha super cute christmas cake!

 Happy birthday Matt! be happy and have fun! :3 hoho miss the times when we always hang out till late and that was like 2 years ago already ):

leave the place at around 12.30am and head to ben's place! haha and we cooked pasta for supper and played dominion all the way till morning! :D

16th Dec 

went to esplanade concert hall w boyfriend and sister to attend sister's boyfriend band concert! 

hehe not the usual band concert, this time they were playing pop song! mad interesting and it was really cool! haha first time see band concert so hyped up!

the concert end at around 10plus and we had dinner at Harry's! thanks Adrian for the treat! :3

18th Dec

Mum's birthday! didn't really have any celebration because sister and I end work really late and we only had the cake-cutting session! sorry mum ): and I only bought her this Swenses cake and give her red packet!

Happy birthday mum! thanks for not only being my mum, but also behave like my friend :) I can talk about any and everything to her! and she will alway laugh over what I have said! always cooking my favourite home-cooked food and be my listening ear! even though we always have unhappiness over money issue but I still love you xoxo

21st Dec 

Happy 45 months to my dear boyfriend! 
wanted to have dinner at Canele but we reached there so late that the last order was closed! super duper disappointed sigh so we walked around the PS extension and decided to dine in at Dome 

very fat face ):

ordered this combo set, seafood pasta with truffle. it was under the christmas menu costed $38 and it come together with apple cigar and mango log cake.

baby ordered ribeye steak :3

ice chocolate shake 

and the mango logcake

actually the whole dinner was kinda epic. the combo set only comes with one apple cigar but they served two glasses and I got kind of worry. baby went to atm machine at that point of time and I was damn panic la. thinking whether it is the combo is for two or we accidentally ordered two combo sets? then baby come back and he went to check with the waiter. end up they accidentally made extra cup and they just give us for free which worth $5 I think. and then we ordered the ice chocolate shake which haven't been served and we were going to finish our food already. and further more, we already settled the bill. Check the receipt and realise that they didn't key in the chocolate shake. asked the waiter and end up they gave us the chocolate shake for free again! haha omg feel kinda bad! wanted to pay them but they already close the cashier! aw thanks so much! :3 that's really cheer us up quite a lot haha!

and baby must thank me for the treat ok! forever I treat for the the monthsary dinner because 21st is my pay day as well and it's always the time baby spend finish all his army pay haha

ok I think this is on uh 22nd? went to airport with instructor and boyfriend to fetch instructor's girlfriend! he must be damn excited because they haven't meet for like 2 months?

and going airport means starbuck :3

this is on the christmas eve 24th ! :D 
and I got half day work so lame and sister so cute went work together w me! hehe 

so boyfriend, sister and her boyfriend waited at my workplace till I end work! kinda regret that we didn't plan properly for the dinner! and it was so last minute and almost all places were fully booked! we wanted to go for international buffet and so end up we decided to try our luck at raffles city, buffet town! 

we are really super patient! queued for 2 hours for the dinner! pat shoulder* 

anyway the food was good, but not awesome. would be more worth it if you come on a normal day and pay the normal price! we paid $50 for one person because it was a christmas eve. no, I helped boyfriend to pay so that's costed me $100! ): 

ate for like 2 hours? and I realise my toothbrush everything left in the office! sister and her boyfriend were so sweet for helping me to go back to the office and helped me to take! hehe :3 

so meanwhile boyfriend and I went to bugis and meet the two bens! and then I realise I lose my tiff&co bracelet! almost cried yknow! omgosh quickly call sister to help me check my office and his car! and we ran all the way back to raffles city to find! sadly, we couldn't find it. and sister claimed she couldn't find it also. but actually her message sound kinda weird and I got a very strong feeling that she found it but she just keep on denied ): 

made our way down to town to meet the rest. sister came and I just keep checking her bag and pocket but sigh really don't have! had countdown and the whole town was damn havoc! spraying snow can around but it was pretty cool! :3 were damn upset because we reached kinda late and we couldn't find anyone selling snow can! so end up, we got sprayed all over but didn't have the chance to spray back ): 

but then at 12am sharp, Adrian suddenly came and shake my hand wishing me merry christmas and put something on my hand through the hand shake! oh my god! it's the tiff&co! super excited and I was jumping around! they found it near a drain outside my workplace! super lucky can! thanks sister and adrian so much! :DDDD 

went to top one w boyfriend and the two bens! and really super regret going! we didn't check the price and we just went in and end up it was $48 per person! what the hell totally daylight robbery man! so we requested to sing for just 2 hours and charged us $30. actually kind of stupid man -___- 

and and and and and one more unlucky thing, I totally forget to take back my keys which I passed to my sister earlier on to go to my office. spam call sister like mad and the time was already 2am? Lucky they were still up! and lucky benny offered to drive me to their house to collect my key! after everything, reached sister's boyfriend house at 5am! collected keys and we went to mac for supper! and home sweet home after that. Actually very stupid too, by the time I reached home, my parents were up already. I should have just go home and wait for them to open door for me. oh man never mind. sorry for being so careless, so forgetful, so clumsy and end up causing so much trouble to everyone ): what an unlucky christmas! 

25th, Merry Christmas! 

head to far east for manicure and pedicure! pamper myself even though I'm super broke already haha
and went to buy our gift for the gift exchange in the night!

heh heh had christmas party at eric's house and we had pizza and kfc! haha

present exchange! to be honest, this is my first doing present exchange in my 21 years of life ha ha ha anyway I got a knitted cardigan from maybeline! super love it! :3 

ben's house after that and we had.....

 mahjong session at void deck! hahaha ok that's sum up my christmas celebration!

26th dec

baby went home while I went to tpy to meet my dear layyen! :3

went to this shop Bio Beauty to do creative eyebrow! I went to do a lot of research and finally decide on this salon and the type of eyebrow! this is definitely much better than the normal eye brow embroidery! they had promotion till 31st dec! thanks goodness I catch it in time! haha so for the creative eyebrow, instead of $888, it was only $380! even though it still very expensive but very worth it k! haha

the lady helped me to design a shape to suit my face and apply numbing cream on it! 

and layyen's turn to design the shape! haha

anyway, I feel no pain while doing. I must be sick lol guess because I have very high tolerance for pain. even the numbing effect totally wear off, the pain was still bearable. anyway the lady who help us to do is Irene! she super sweet and lovely! layyen was saying next time here will be our one-stop service. do all our eyebrow eye lash facial here! haha

yup, I'm super satisfied with the result! :3 can't wait to go back to facial and my eye lash!

went to orchard central to have genki sushi and I'm totally amazed by the system over there! everything is so electronic! haha

heh heh our eye brow! still very dark but the color will fade off after a few days! :)

yay awesome catch up w layyen! hehehe

27 dec

Went to Star Vista, High Brow for eye lashes extension which I bought it from groupon!
from all my experiences, never once receive good service purchase from groupon like hair dye all these. but this was different! they have awesome services and I just fell asleep while the lady help me to do the extension! and they never even push to buy any of their product! haha

but actually I kinda regret choosing the lash by lash extension because I have very thin and little lashes and doing extension on top doesn't do any good ): next time I shall choose the cluster one! still the result was good! very natural and not so dramatic but actually I want the dramatic one ha ha ha ok never mind next time round

heh heh my cute sister :3

anyway, meet up with tinghui and shuhui on that day! but it was just a short while because I was running here and there! meet up the fishing gang for fishing again! went to a different part of changi. fished for a short while and we went to hougang for supper! because it was so close to layyen's workplace and sister and I went to surprise her! and she really got a shock super cute! :3

my still-very-dark-eyebrow and the eye lashes extension!

31st dec, one day after I'm back from genting and I'm fall sick! super unlucky! new year eve somemore and I totally can't enjoy sigh but still force myself to go out because I don't want to disappoint my sister. love me more ok! haha

went to curry house at 313 and had dinner with boyfriend, sister and her boyfriend! thanks sister for the treat! hehe didn't have much appetite so I shared these w boyfriend!

went over to marina square and wait for the countdown! almost died while waiting. oh anyway tinghui & ben came to join us as well!

and finally 12am, the firework! lasted for 10 minutes!

chilled until 2am after that and decided to head back home if not I guess I gonna faint anytime already haha

and 2nd Jan back to work life again boo ):

on 5th Jan,

head to pula ubin for fishing trip with the guys!
Ok let the picture do the writing

back to singapore at around 6pm, and ran a few places which I am so lazy to elaborate. just a very fruitful night hahah :3

ok next post up, summary of 2012! gonna be super wordy! haha

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