Tuesday, May 10, 2011

hi there. Miss updating my blog everyday seriously. I had already lose the passion and love in blogging already. uhm no, I guess the main reason is that, I am too lazy to upload photo and update. I have already missed out too many things and got no freaking idea where to start from already. tons of photo waiting for me to update. sigh. I think 10 years down the road when I am reading back my blog, I guess I will feel super regret for not updating frequently. all the memories will no longer flowing back anymore.

K I will try.

so recently, hmmm dating w baby, heading out w friends, late night mahjong, working etc pretty much i guess. nothing exciting going on. but 2 more days will be baby's 21st birthday chalet! oh yay can't wait! please hope everything will go on smoothly! and am too lazy to plan any surprise ha! just told him all my plan and see whether he agree or not. don't wanna go thru all the trouble to give a surprise and end up he don't like, true right. k don't worry baby. I WILL STILL PLAN A SMALL LITTLE TEENY WEENY SURPRISE FOR YOU K!

things have been going very well between our relationship right i guess. ha just that I still tend to get very hot temper sometimes and vent everything on him. poor little baby but I know you still love me right hee. sigh he going in army in 1 month time! and I shall find a full time job. perhaps an office job so as to suit his army timing! hope everything will be good.

okay bye.

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