Thursday, November 4, 2010

Im back ^^

Have not been blogging for like 1 month?
So sorry yea!

there's like so many things happening kayz.
Things like I ended my SIP(like finally), a sudden decision to oversea trip w lingz, janis, sister and ben. Started all the booking and preparing etc. attended ben's 21st birthday chalet for 3 days 2 nights. started working as mbs stewarding, got my iphone4 which like finally I got a phone of my own after 1 year, gave limtinghui a birthday surprise at her house, prepare and fly off to macau, china, and hongkong for 6 days, back in singapore, missed celebrating b and I 19th months, started FINAL YEAR PROJECT, oh and i bloody failed my vid pro 2 and I have to retake, shit thing happen etc, had our first presentation already and I swear it was crap. Went for Halloween party at sentosa w total 12 people, met up w Alvin and Andrew like after 2 years, and working like almost everyday.

Okay that's pretty much ^^
but things like oversea trip, ben's chalet party, halloween party, I will definitely update in wordssss and photosss kk ^^ just hold on! I will do it kay!

the previous blog post and I really damn lazy go update photo ._.
Now I got card reader, but I don't know where's the memory card.
My room is in a total mess, you would not want to imagine.

k that's all.
actually my twitter is like forever update. check out there k
bye loves

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