Monday, September 13, 2010

Watch me burn

4th Sep Saturday

Met baby in the morning and we head down to it fair! :)
oh ya, baby was working at it fair for four days and he worked behind one which was so freaking slack! so yea he took leave that day as we had chalet later in the night (:
went to find his friends and oh b intro ben to work there too! lucky he like it haha helped bernard to get some stuff and daddy fetched us down to ecp together with sister !
head to Aden gor chalet and end up he was late.

slacked at mac first and we helped him to take all the ordered food which we took a cab from carpark B to carpark D. haha
chilled at the bbq pit while waiting for him to reach !

baby helped to set up the pit first ^^

lublub (:

happy sister! haha


and finally, Aden and his friends reached ! (:
and he brought along his tent! :D

with his girlfriend (:
bbq started but baby left halfway to other chalet! haha
most of his friends were here and we know none of them haha
stayed until around 9pm , bid goodbye and sister&I head to another friend's bbq ! (:

baby came joined awhile and helped them start fire ! haha

and after that I followed baby back to Robin birthday chalet (:
ate again and i think i'm gonna fat to die alr ! ):
oh and they brought along a dog! cute max! haha
played mahjong and 21 !
lose money thank to b hur! haha kjustkidding
went to sleep at 5am! :)

5th Sept

Woke up at 9.30am! rushed prepared and left the chalet first w baby.
the rain was so fucking big that we were totally drenched and was forced to take a cab! ): send baby to suntec for his work and make my own way down to petit bowl ! a freaking full day shift and i almost died.

ok so i got sick the next day, visited a doctor and got a two day mc off from work! ok idk why nobody believe that im really sick. haha cos am appear not i know. haha

ok on one random weekday, meet up with the moi peeps for steamboat at bugis(:
and on last wed, head to Amos' house for mahjong. actually they already had enough people. haha played only like 2hours? and the guys played for 12hours! fucking hardcore.

k shall update the rest soon! I lost my card reader! if not i could already update by now man! ):

PS : baby is at taiwan now! six more days to his return ^^ hope he enjoy himself over there ^^
lublub baby!

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