Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dedications/resolution. (L)

Though 2009 is not a great one, but thankfully I have met someone to go through almost everything with me throughout 2009.


Knowing him in the first place is already such a coincidentally incident, let alone thinking of be together with him. We know each other at our workplace when this guy was trying to help his friend to take our number. He was so funny staying at level 4 waiting for one of the twins to come out of the ballroom. Eventually I'm the one who came out first and he pestered me for almost half an hour to get my number. Finally I give in and gave him my number. As my sister had a boyfriend that time, he didn't want to have it. So we messaged for only two days and I message with his friend for just a few days and we stop contacting already.

Life move on and I didn't really put this guy in my heart a lot. I still hang out with other guys, and confused of my own feelings too. Until one day, this guy started messaging me again. But still, there were a lot of stop contact in between. I tried not to have any crush on this guy as I'm afraid of getting hurt once again. Further more, I did not even know whether this guy have crush on me or not. But our message content tend to have a lot of sweet talk and teasing each other, I thought that was normal and did not really think much further.

And then a day after valentine day, 15th of Feb, we had a very big quarrel. Because he found out that I went out with my ex-boyfriend on Valentine day(when I only treat it as a normal outing that happen to fall on valentine day), he was so super unhappy and thus we had such a long argument on the night and it made me tear so much when we were just friend only. And yea, I feel so unfair of being accused of cheating his feeling. But this is also the night, he confessed to me. But at that point of time, I admit that I still do not much feeling on him.

After this incident, we start to contact each other every single day. We had our first meet up on 18th of Feb at his place. But I don't know why, I kinda lost some hope after that day. Days was alright between us. But when I knew that he cried because of his ex-girlfriend, I was terribly upset. I was really so affected after that day and I was still so confused of my feeling toward him.
we have our second meeting on 6th of March at Newton food court for a dinner. It was just a normal one. No much improvement between us because we claimed that we were still not ready for a new relationship. I never tell him my feeling toward him at all. We met up again on 19th of March at his place. After that meeting, I'm very ensure of my feeling toward him and it was long since I felt so much care from a guy. Though I was jokingly asking him to be my boyfriend, he rejected and I was kinda upset.

20th of March, he invited me to attend his friend's birthday chalet. That was our very first chalet together, and that night we had a conversation with someone and that conversation made us realised a lot of each other. After we reached home the next day, we talked through messaging and finally, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Though he show no sincerity by asking through message (just kidding), I'm really glad. and 21th March 2009 mark the day of a new relationship begin. and this guy is Sng JiaJun. feeling honour? (:

Being with him is never easy. We have been through so many ups and downs, so many argument, so many quarreled, so many unhappiness between us. We break down and cried in front of each other, we hugged and cried together after a big quarreled. We quarreled over such a small matter, and many little cold war in between. And when the big quarrel that happened on 31th of July, it affected me so much after that I almost give up this relationship a few times. But it always the memories that hold me back. You hugged me tightly crying afraid that you will lose me. All these make me realise how important I am to you. I admit I don't believe in eternity or whatever, and sometimes I still can't believe how strong can your love be toward me. But through these 9months, Your unconditional love, effort, care just make me feel so touched and I just wanna cherish you even more.

Though you always pissed me off by your words and action, saying things without thinking twice and doing things that you think is funny. Making me disappointed when you didn't even noticed and some of your little action can hurt me a lot. I know I don't say much of this. But I hope you can know, I will always give you a chance to change no matter what.

This 9 months in 2009, We have our first oversea trip to genting and celebrated our third month at there. We attended many chalets together. We went for many birthday celebration together. We drank and get high together. We played like some crazy kids at shopping mall. We had countless of toning and hanging out with friends. Never forget our usual spot at Vivo city skypark where we will have our heart-to-heart talk. And playground is another place that we will talk our heart out to each other. Countless of movie we watched together and crazily playing online games together. We always tried to compete with each other. We never fail to make each other laugh and our usual action. Our endless topic, stunt, laughter, shared the same interest, have the same hobbies and always do things together. How I love to see your reaction whenever I gave you a surprise, trying and cracking my mind to think of a surprise for you. You will never fail to disturb and bully your girlfriend and thus we have become a really violent couple. All the memories we have, the place we have our dinner, the place we always hang out, it will never be forgotten. We have a lot of agreement, and I believe we will able to make it come true in the new year and so on.

Thanks for always tolerating my nonsense, giving in to me, be there for me through the ups and downs, stand by me when I need help the most, and give me a most loving hug when I break down. Listen to all my ranting and try your best to cheer me up. I see your effort in everything. glad that you never stop loving me after everything and still come back to me when I ignored you. I really love how you shower your love on me. It really great to have you. To have you that I have a stable relationship after so many things that had happened in the past.

And I promise 2010 will be a better year for both of us. I will be a better girlfriend, I promise.

and Friends.

Sad to say, It really not a easy one for MOI clique. people come and go. Many start to leave and now just left with a few of us. How we go through everything together in the past, how we see each other cry because of each other, how hard we tried to pull everyone together and feel so upset when it fail so badly. I will never forget all the late nights in school, going opposite school for lunch, dinner and supper, buying bubble tea from our usual stall, slacking at the top level of multi-storey car park for a few hours. Heart to heart talk with each other and have crazy times together. Had our second oversea trip to Tioman after our P1 with 16 peeps. Picnic, toning, late night slacking, chalet, prawning, crazy over lomo camera, hang out together for shopping and movie in 2009. Though we have unhappiness toward each other sometimes, but still love you all guys (:

Tinghui & Yaqing

We are coming to 13 years of friendship! you girls still rock my life so much. Though we don't meet up often, but both of you are still in my heart always. And Lim Tinghui, you are a great awesome friend to me! A few hours of chatting with you at starbuck is always great. Gossiping and catching up with each other life always make us so excited. And you are such a sweet darling to me, never once forget the words I have said. I really appreciated that you make an effort to remember what I want and gave it to me on my birthday! Thanks for supporting me and share my problem yea! (: LOVE YOU MY SWEETHEART. (:


Something happening is our family went to Genting together. It was great, as the only place we go is always China, my mum hometown. I know I have not been spending a lot of times with them due to schoolwork and relationship. But my mum will never fail to prepare nice dinner when i requested, show care and concern when I'm sick or injured myself. And it was always so loving when she left note for us when we came back home late. It was fun when we leave note for each other and wrote funny stuff on it. And my dad will always support me in whatever I do (: Never forget how my mum spend the whole day preparing steamboat for my birthday because I mentioned that I haven't have that for my birthday for 3 years. And I missed her steamboat a lot. It was awesome. And another good thing is when my family support my relationship and accept my boyfriend, that was the greatest thing ever. Because it's never easy for my parents to accept my boyfriend, as that guy have to go through my parents' expectation. Thanks mum always listen to my ranting after a long day outside.


MY BEST TWIN SISTER and she is just like my friend too. The year when we were in the same class for the whole year and though we tend to have even more conflicts, we still get ok in less than 5 minutes. She is always there to listen to all my sorrows and my troubles when I get upset about my relationship or friendship. She always know my little secrets and we just love to crap a lot to each other. We do have different thinking and mindset, but still we support each other deep in our heart. I still remember when you break up with that bastard and cried like hell, I feel so heart pain seeing you like that and cried too. And when you went through another similar incident, I walked with you from 2am to 6am, from cityhall to little indian to farrer park. You were crying all along the way, and I hold your hands accompanied you every second. I was so desperately finding for a public phone, digging out all our coins just to make a few calls around Little Indian when our hand phone dead at the wrong time. All these memories between us is so unforgettable. I love you my sister and I really hate to see you feeling upset and hurtful. I really wish you to be more happy in the New year. and Thanks for always accompanied me when I need you and you never fail to make me laugh till tears with your lamest joke and funny action. Loves!

2009 was rather quite a plain year. No much outing, No much gathering. But thanks baby, Thanks for making my days more interesting and less bored with you around.
Although I finally reached 18th, I have still not yet go clubbing and stuff like that. I know it will happen and I will really listen and not going to club. But it finally 2010 now , and I know I could be able to go at last, but yea.. I will only go when boyfriend come along. Don't worry. Baby I trust you and I know you won't let it happen. But the feeling of to be able to watch M18, buy alcohol and stuff is great! :D Still kinda sad that my 18th birthday is not best of the best but still, thanks and appreciate everyone effort especially baby for planning the surprise for me! Really appreciated. (:

so it's 2010 !
Didn't set any resolution last year and I shall set one this year.

Passed my Poly year 2, SIP in year 3 smoothly.
Get my driving license before mid year.
Get to go back to my Mum's hometown at the end of the year.
To have at least 4 digit in my bank account.
To get my braces before end of year two.
Oversea trip with MOI and boyfriend

And lastly, smooth and sweet relationship with my dear boyfriend.
Our first anniversary is coming in 3 months time!
You know how much I love you (:

and also family and loves to be healthy and happy (:
Thanks for everyone who have walk through, in or out of my life whether is it good or bad in 2009.

PS: I know this is long. Pardon me. But this is more for memories.

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