Saturday, July 3, 2010

Once in my life

Hello I'm back with a new me ! <:

So yea as you can see, I choose to go for Lasik Surgery (:
so as preparation, I have to wear spec for three days.
but I cheated and didn't wear for two days only. ok hope it not gonna affect my eye in long term uh?

Ok so Monday had my interim 1 for Adv video.
Lucky my idea didn't get shoot !
oh but all of us had such a bad monday >:
angry people D:

relative treat dinner at night to The Mask Restaurant :>
the seafood is awesome!
they ordered fried crab, chili crab, and black pepper crab!
best to the max and I ate all ! :>
though the food is good, but mood was booo.


Work in the noon and wearing spec to work is suck.
especially when you need to cook and spec is being such a pain! >:
have great great great fun working with shuning. Hi you see this? hahaha :D

went to Raffles City mac to have supper.
reached there kinda late and Shuhui had to leave already. >:
Cabbed back home after that and uncle only charged us $5 when the fare was $7.40.
oh and baby came to my house and overnight.
oh ya, we were on bad terms, like really bad. ok whatever.


Ok very very excited kid in the morning.
No make up and with spec on, i feel like a nerd. >:
My uncle drove us to Paragon Medical at 11.30am.
James came to accompany us too! (:

I had my brief eye check first.
Checked my eye degree and the thickness of my cornea
and it already last for 1 hour.

Head to the I-don't-know what cornea department or what.
They told me that from the brief check up, my cornea is thick enough for the surgery
but they still need to have a more detailed check up
so yea, the check up for it make my eyes feel really weird.
they put some eye drop on my eye to relax the muscle
and all the machine make my eye feel so sour and sensitive >:

all these procedures went on for another 1 hour plus.
head back to the Lasik Surgery Clinic and have another round of I don't know what check up.
then finally a nurse brought me to a corner and started to explain to me all the preparation work, the procedures of the surgery, the after surgery, the side effect of the surgery and everything that I need to know.
oh and she showed me the video too.
after listening and watching it, I was quite taken aback. >:
you know what, sound really scary and the side effect is like o h m y g o d.
and there's like a lot of things that have to watch out after the surgery.

but yea, still went on to arrange the time for the surgery.
went to see the doctor and he explained to me the type of surgery that I am going to have.
because of my really H I G H degree, I have to do a more expensive type of surgery which is $3888 so that it would be 100%(as what the doctor said) safe.
so ya, I accepted. set the time with the nurse which is at 5pm(but later on changed to 6pm) and settle the money issue and we left first.
Total is $4221 with medicine and gst charge.

called parents and they were really unhappy with the price
feel really pissed off man >:
they asked me to go for it, they said that they will help me pay if I do it now.
but right now, they blamed me for doing it now and said it was too expensive.
you didn't check the price properly in the first place.
you don't even know what is my exact degree.
you said that I am selfish when I claimed that I can't pay for myself.
you think I'm the one who want to do it now?
sigh ok never mind.

Head to Cine Pasta Mania to have our lunch.
sister left for work and shuhui came to find us (:
walked around while my waiting for the time.

accompanied James to parklane to collect his films.
and we head back to Paragon Medical at around 5.30pm.

I was feeling so nervous and excited man.
daddy came to sign the consent form because I'm still not yet 21 years old.
I'm still not prepared yet and I only request the nurse to let my dad to sign the form first
end up, she brought us to the operation waiting room.
I was like so panic can >:

oh and before that, daddy paid for the bill.
lucky there was some discount and it cost $4000 only.

so daddy sign the form, wish me all the best and he left.
And I'm left alone in the waiting room >:

The nurse brought me to my waiting suite with the surgery suit and medicine there.
She checked my eyes, asked me to relax and explain to me what is going to happen next.
I was told to rest while waiting for my turn. >:

then after awhile, another nurse came to help me wear the surgery suit and I was told to wait again.
oh the sofa was too comfortable that I fell asleep and some more my eyes was so tired after all the check up and everything ._.

at around 6.30pm, finally I was being brought into the operation room.
I was damn tensed and very scare can >:

I was asked to lie on the bed(?) , and they put on a blanket on me.
then they put anesthetic eye drop on my eyes.
doctor came in, and I was asked to follow his instructions during the surgery.

Surgery started. They put this I-don't-know what inside my eye to prevent my eyes from closing.
damn i can feel it ok. so uncomfortable and the machine started opening you know the i-don't-know what part of the eye. ok damn biology failed. I forget all the terms.

freaking uncomfortable to the max. I can totally feel it that they opening it. >:
then they shift me to another machine when they started lasering my eyes.
I was damn scare can >:
I scare that I can feel the pain ._.
but obviously didn't.

but I swear the feeling is really damn not good.
when they started doing my left eye, I'm like cannot take it already.
I can't even look properly at the red blinking light which I was told to look at during the lasering.
damn damn damn bad can >:
I didn't know that it can be that awful >:

finally it ended, and I tear like fuck only.
had a check up and the doctor said it was good.

I was being brought back to my own suite.
Removed my surgery suit
and I feel damn amazing because I can finally see with my nude eyes!
even though not 100% clear but at least 75%!
happy kid to the max.
but the suffering came next.

I hardly can open my eyes and I was in great pain >:
why no one tell me that it gonna hurt so much after the surgery?
or is it just me? D: damn.

the nurse helped me put on the eye cap and she brought me to my friends.
and they started taking photos !
oh and i heard from them that they did a lot of stunts while waiting for me.
haha so cute (:

they send me to the taxi stand and james left after that while shuhui and jj send me back to my house.
Thank you James so much for the patience and accompanied me for the whole day! (:

Reached home and I feel like dying.
I was sick some more and I feel so damn sensitive all over me.
and my eyes is giving me a bad bad bad time >:

lied on my bed straight away, and baby went to take away food for us.
Mummy came to feed me but until the third mouth, i vomitted.
lucky the clinic provided sleeping pill.
mummy feed me the medicine, helped me put on eye drop and eye cap, and helped me to sleep.
and I guess I'm not tearing because of the surgery but because I'm crying >:

Baby and shuhui left after I was going to sleep.
thanks love so much!
Thanks baby for being there throughout the whole time (:
and thanks shuhui for making me less tense ! hehe :D
you guys are the best (Y)

woke up again at 12am plus.
damn the sleeping pill only last for 3 hours. >:
but my eyes was not that pain after waking up.
my eye sight get slightly improved (:
had a second sleeping pill, called baby for awhile and head back to sleep (:


had a very good sleep all the way to 9.30am ! (:
woke up and my eyes is totally painless!
super happy to the max!
and I can seeeee so much clearly already!
jump around with joy ! :D

head back to Paragon Medical for the check up.
Doctor said it was good (:

and he said I got no problem going oversea!
but parents just refused to approve ):

Shuhui came and we head to 313 food court to have lunch (:
met james, caiyun, and ming at golden mile.
and they went to buy tickets to Malacca.
you can't imagine how upset I am >:

Decided to head to Teo heng for singing after that.
sister couldn't join us as she was going to work >:

booked from 3pm to 4pm!
each person for $6! :>
oh kangling and lingz joined us too! (:
hokkien, chinese, english, old, new song (Y)

had katong laska again after that (:
but I ate fish slice porridge to save money! haha

still not happy that baby didn't join us.
so had another round of singing session at 8pm with matt, hao, gabe, shuhui, sister and baby!
finally can hear baby's singing after so long ! haha
enjoyed so much and managed to get back home by public transport ^^

Ok that's all for now (:
I wanna thanks shuhui for reminding me to put on my eye drop for every hour!
and giving me your shirt to prevent my eyes from getting rain water!
so sweeeet of you babe! love you so much my pretty girl! ♥

Ok so my eye sight still not that perfect now.
I am really curious what's my degree now!
oh did I mention before that, my degree WAS 950 degree for both eyes!
now i can see quite clearly but not that good at night (:
and I still not used to it ok!
I keep have the urge to like remove my spec or lens and then realise that there is nothing!
finally I can see w my nude eyes after a long 13years ! :D
I'm still feeling v excited! (:
awaiting for the days when my degree can go all the way down to perhaps Z E R O degree (:
Ok I really have to take really good care of my eyes now (:
It cost me $4k ok. No kidding. my eyes is my precious now, must treasure it yea :>
and I keep have the bad habit to touch my eyes which I'm not allowed to touch for 2 weeks! >:
oh and no make up for 1 week, no water activities for 1 month, no crowded place for 1 week.
and put on eye drop hourly for one month. and a lot more (:

so yea that's all.
sorry for such a wordy post.
because it something memorable and it gonna happen only once in my life (:
I wanna keep it yea (:

ok next up, my teeth! braces!
when can I get to do it? (:


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