Monday, April 26, 2010

Star Cruise

Cruise Day One.

okay so due to the departure of my grandpa, things were quite screwed up for the trip to cruise.
there were so so so many phone call in the morning and i totally can't sleep.
plan were changed greatly.

end up, it was sister, baby, my cousin and his girlfriend and me going!
and my dad and his brothers flied off to China in the evening.

baby took leave, went home, packed and came to my house.
oh and caiyun came all the way down to pass me Lomo cam! thanks so much!
and thanks baby for rushing to bugis and bought film roll for me(:

met cousin zj and his girlfriend le van at harbour front centre.
because of last minute replacing people, we took damn long at the counter doing the paper work.
and by the time we get to enter the cruise, it was already 5pm plus.

at our room is at deck5 ! (:
and damn excited that our cabin have window! (Y)

unpacked, rest, changed and we went out to explore around the cruise (:

head to bella vista for dinner! (:
it is like my first time eating fine dining ! haha

sister, le van, zj and I ordered all the same things for appetizer, main course and dessert!
only baby ordered different from us.

turn up, baby's was much more nicer than us ):

this is our "BEEF NOODLES".
a bit like got cheated. ):

and this baby, "duck chop" ! hahaha

i totally can't finish my " beef noodles " and gave everything to baby!

and this is our dessert.
blueberry cheesecake.
i like the green sugar!
damn nice!

and this baby chocolate ice cream! haha

were super full after the dinner!

and we head to the arcade!
played a lot stupid games ! haha

head to Lido for magic show!

ok. i fell alseep during the magic show!
not interesting at all.
it is like the same trick that i saw before during my last came.

so happy that the show end! haha
head to the top of the cruise !
damn freaking windy and it was totally darkness. niceee :D

look at our messy hair!

head back in the cruise! (:

and this is the must-take-photo with the horses! :D

and baby started doing stunt at there again! haha

head to casino !
and played casino war! i swear it is damn addictive!
and I won $40 only haha
head for buffet supper! damn fattening man.

and back to our cabin after that (:
washed up and this is how we arranged our bed so that we can fit in 5 people! haha
and sister got the best one which is at the top! ):
four of us had to squeeze below and which baby woke up in the middle of the night and went to sleep at other place ): nehneh.

Second day!

beautiful view when we woke up the next morning! :D
i'm the first to wake up which is like 7.30am?
freaking bored while waiting for the rest to wake up.

prepared, and all of us went for breakfast buffet at around 9am+!

the early birds (Y)

laugh out loud at baby's expression! hahaha

the buffet! (Y)

sat outside and the view was damn great! hehe
great great great breakfast! i like :D

i swear we ate super lots or is it just me?

head back to our cabin as all of us had stomach ach! haha
prepared our bag and got ready for Redang!

while waiting to gather at the Lido (:

at Lido while waiting for our turn to board the speed boat to Redang! :D

inside the speed boat! (:

our cruise ! haha

few minutes later and we arrived! :D
damn excited kid !

banner specially welcome star cruises' guests ! (:

sitting the tram to the beach (:

bought ice cream, shampoo and body wash and off to the beach !

loveee the scenary ! (Y)
super beautiful !
and make me think of the times at tioman !

found a spot and settled down :D

changed and we head down to the beach !
and we brought along one big packet of donut from the cruise ! haha

we used our own goggles for snorkeling!
so we didn't rent the snorkel equip and we couldn't able to stay too long in the water.
haha but still so fun man!

we hold the donut in our hand and all the fishes swam towards our hand and ate directly from our hand ! super duper cuteee!
and it even "accidentally" bite our hand or face if we put too close to our face! (Y)

and they manage to see baby shark !
i miss it because i was adjusting my goggles and by the time i went down again, it had gone already ! ):

did a lot of stunt in the water and spammed the donut until it had finished and became boring.
so we came up of the water and prepared to go back the cruise.
and i become even more tanned !

so i went to play with swing thingy and i feel terrible unwell after that!
super regret to play that !
feel totally weak and we quickly went to take the speed boat back to the cruise.
fell asleep on the way and i thought i would feel better.

end up when we reached the cruise, the speed boat shake so hard that i vomitted. (Y)
nice ! lucky they already prepared plastic bag for me ! haha
felt so much better after that ! thanks man.

back to our cabin, bathed and changed !

and we went for dinner !

they had bbq seafood for the night buffet !
super yummy ! and i spammed freaking lots ! very fattening i know. ):
but i'm very disappointed at their dessert. not nice at all.

slacked a little while and gave a call back to my house (:

went to casino after that!
super angry because we lose $100plus.
around 9pm, zj and le van wanted to lido and watched performance.
i skipped it as i'm not interested at all.
so baby and sister accompanied me to walk around the cruise!

seriously very small.
there's nothing really interested in there.

and then we went to the star gallery!
super niceee as the sky is filled with stars.
and this reminded me of my grandparents hometown ):

and the cruise is filled with indian!
is like everyone we go, we only saw indian. roarrr

did a lot of stunt and sister and I went super high ! hehe loves

went back to Lido and waited for Zj and Le van to come out.
back to casino again and i decided to gamble again. just freaking not satisfied that i lose.
so end up, i only manage to win back my money!
baby just don't have the luck.

head back to the cabin as we were getting really sleepy.
washed up and head to bed at like 2am? haha

Day 3

woke up late and missed the sun rise. kuku. forever missed it one.
wash up and we head for breakfast in our sleeping clothes.
and that's explain why i look super tired. haha

had chinese breakfast this time round!
none of the thing i like. ):


went back to our cabin, and we changed into our swim suit to swim at the top level!
but when we arrived, we received the announcement that the slide was closed due to the weather!
and we waited so long for it to open!
in the mean time, we went jacuzzi! niceee (Y)

oh so, the slide turned out not as fun as we thought!
super duper slow and no excitement at all.
played twice and we left.

back to our cabin, bathe, and we packed everything.
went to pay for our shipping fare(?) and got back our passport.

went for our lunch at bella vista (:

we ordered 4 plates of this ! haha

not that fantastic but still enjoyed it (:

left and we went outside waiting for time to check out.

Sng JiaJun learning how to cam whore.

head to Lido and waited.
and all of us fell asleep at there ! haha

and so we are back to singapore again !
bus back home and sleep all the way to midnight ! heh e

just a simple , last minute trip.
enjoyed it but not as much as going other country (:
thanks baby for looking after me and helped me to carry all my stuff and many many things !
lovesss ! (:

PS: i took two weeks to upload this freaking post!

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