Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Sweet First Year.

21TH mARCH 2010.
happy first year anniversary baby !
thanks baby for everything through this one year
.it was not easy. we have been through so many ups and downs.
been through the worst shit ever and thanks, we overcome it.
we quarreled and laughed over the smallest thing ever.
we know each other so well that we could just know what each
other is thinking without opening our mouth.
.we have so many memories that can't possible to summarise
in this short entry.
baby, you are the sweetest and the most annoying boyfriend. (:
and you are the first boyfriend who have walked with me
for one year and counting on (:

So on the day, baby came over to my house in the noon
.waited for me to prepare and we cabbed down to orchard

met james and passed him something and we head to
superdog for lunch!
didn't know that the food was so nice man (:
love the onion ring! super large ! haha

baby trying to take photo with the baby behind !

after the lunch, we trained down to harbor front vivo city.
reached and head to cinema for movie tickets!
decided to catch remember me (:
shopped around next and went to a|x !
choose baby's belt and purchase it!
please love and treasure it with all your heart okay! (:
didn't manage to find my present.. hmm

so we went to build-a-bear !
make baby to do together with me as initially he only want to
do just for me which i think it's kinda

so yay, we choose the same bear! cute to the max!
one assistance came to assist us.
was asked to choose the cutest face which i think all look
the same to me!
haha move on to stuff the fur into the skin!
and we were given a choice between hard or soft&cuddle!
both of us chose soft&cuddle and i request mine to be
baby made my bear and i made baby;s bear.
then we were asked to do some thing like
choosing a heart, make wish, blow the heart, rub the heart
against each other fore head and the bear's head.
guess each other's favourite food and rubbed the heart on
the bear's stomach and it's nose.
kiss the bear(?) and i can't really remember already. haha
then the assistance helped us to sew the bear and we move
on to give the bear a bath.

damn cute man and i feel kinda awkward? haha
totally different experience and it was really so sweet.
we were told to bath the bear with love and warm. haha

then we were asked to choose clothes for the bear but we
find it the bear would be nicer
without the clothes on.

so we end off by creating birth certificate for the bear!
and so baby is done with my bear and im done with baby's
bear! (:
the assistance tied a purple ribbon to my bear's ear so as
to recongise it.
paid and we leave the bears at there and collected it later.

us with bear babyting and bear babyjun!

went for movie next.
okay, it was damn boring at the beginning and i just fell
lucky baby stay awake throughout the whole movie and
could explain the story to me !
but the ending was nicer and unexpected ! (:
kinda regret choosing this film as we could watch something
else better. ):

went to collect our lovely bears and head to harbor front
pizza hut for dinner!
didn't go according to our plan which is dining at signature
swenses as it was too expensive and
there's nothing that i want to eat. haha

ordered my favourite prawn agilo oilo and baby ordered
black pepper rib?
i accidentally pour the whole bottle of chili flakes onto my
spicy like hell ._.
ordered drumlets too and end up we were too full for
dessert! haha

look at the amount of chili flakes in my plate.

baby said must let the bear learn to take escalator. laughs

head to skypark next.
chilled and took lots of photo ! lovesssss !
and we just played with the bears like a kid (: haha

wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk
but when we found out that my parents don't allow baby to
come stay over.
our mood just went down and didn't have any talk in the
was cracking our brain juice to think of a place to go.

left vivo city and walked around.

love this photo !

so yea... just end up roaming around the street for the night.
what a nice way to end our celebration yea! haha

thanks baby for everything!
i seriously love the bear to the max !
didn't know build-a-bear can be that fun (: sweet memories!
and i hope you really love the present that i gave you.
don't feel bad that you can't get something for me ok.
the date and everything was enough already. i really enjoy it.
another surprise coming up for you!
just wait okay. (:
happy 1st year again my dear boyfriend.
hope in a new year, things will go on smoothly for both of us!
let's hope for less quarreling okay!

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