Monday, December 28, 2009


Christmas eve (:
head to town first with sister as i wanted to go 313 and also visit James! (:

it was only afternoon and orchard was quite crowded already.
couldn't find James on our first visit so we went to the food republic!
ate popian and sister got a free popian too!
and so i have to eat the whole roll of popian by myself. that make my stomach so uncomfortable):
and the icemilo over there is awesome! :D

back to Espirt and found james!
we were like following James wherever he go and watched him working.
baby looked for me at there. hanged a little while and bid goodbye to James!
walked around 313 and the cotton on is having crazy sales!
but there was seriously too much people. urgh ):

head to cityhall and walked around at raffles city.
accompanied baby to have his lunch at burger king.
sister and I were too bored and we drew at his hands :D

bought chocolate at coco tree :D
and we have fun choosing the flavour of jelly beans!

went to meet Shuhui and Kangling when they have reached. (:
marina square next. shopped around while waiting for Ming to reach.

Hotpot culture next!
lucky Kangling booked before we came!
great dinner we have!
and i love how it that we can have a pot to ourselves (:

we seriously ordered freaking lots!
almost every food on the menu yea.
especially the beef slice and pork slice.
we thought it came in such a small portion that we just write beef x 5, 15, 20...

and when all the food came, we were in great surprise!
look at our priceless expression. seriously couldn't stop laughing!
but all the food is seriously nice! don't mind coming again (:

and dessert time!
how funny that we couldn't finish up all the food, but yet we can still stuff all the dessert in our mouth! haha

and the fun part is.. how we hide all the unfinished food!
ohmygod. laughed till tear.
i guess our table was the nosiest one.
and the " strawberry " icecream.

we took 3hours to finish eating! haha
bill and went off.
everyone stomach was like a ball.

went off to find Xian and co.

went to esplanade next and went up to the roof top! (:
great place to chill! haha and we did the countdown at there.

and my dear LIM TINGHUI came and looked for us!
lots of catch up and it was great! :D
cam whore all the way!

and i love the small christmas hat! :D

and I didn't really accompanied baby! oops sorry (:
left around 12.30am and bid goodbye to them!

took Night rider to Kangling's house.
it was a freaking one and half hour ride. lucky we get to sit all the way yea.
so fun disturbing baby all the way. (:

so reached, slacked, chatted with auntie, drank a little bit and off to sleep at 5am+!

woke up the next day at 3pm? (:
and baby finally gave me the christmas present weee!
it was a necklate and earring! shall take picture next time!
thanks my baby!
sorry yea. never preapre present for you..
who ask you pissed me off the previous day that i totally forget about it.
ok i shall make up for you soon alright (:

went to eat lunch with them and head back home after that!
so that's all for my christmas celebration.
nothing special yea.
but it's my first time celebrating christmas with boyfriend!
although not that great due to the little cold war for like half of the day, but i really appreciate everything yeaaaa. haha
love you my cutie pie! :D
and right, don't always pissed me off i tell you.
hee bye!

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